Welcome to the largest Battle Brothers mod, expanding on nearly every aspect of the game to increase variety and replay value. Since Polearms only cost 5AP with Spec, you can swing your Polearm and QH to Bow for a 4AP shot allowing you to get two attacks every turn that is stronger than just pure Bow. 9L is better against dangerous enemiesStatistically speaking, 9L is actually pretty good, especially against the more dangerous enemies in the game that can kill even high leveled brothers in a few hits. Dagger MasteryDaggers/Qatal can attack three times per turn with Mastery which means three Overwhelms. Early game perks are very impactful to your weak bros and skipping on them for Student is a greed play that you should not be making unless you are comfortable with the game. This makes headshots weaker than expected, which disfavors HH. Still needs to satisfy other requirements for 2h sword . Even talented bros will appreciate the bonus hit chance for increased consistency. Unlocks the Rally the Troops skill which can rally fleeing allies, and raise morale of all nearby allies to a steady level. The advantage here is that the Billhook does better armor damage than all of those except Warhammer. Fatigue support and arrow diversionIf you want to be sure that someone is not going to get shot at then you can take Anticipation. Nets root a target in place, preventing it from moving or being rotated while applying powerful DEF and INI debuffs to it. Most two-handers or good Duelist options already injure most enemies, or will kill them in a few hits regardless. If you are worried about those types of enemies then Brow can help a bit. FA value scales with the number of attacksFA tends to work better on weapons that can attack multiple times per turn or with AoE as this allows you to immediately follow a miss with a boosted chance to land your second hit. Game Mechanics Updated Relentless interaction with Initiative Added decimal calculation mechanics Added ranged hit chance mechanics, Fast Adaptation Updated mechanics/charts for the change to 10% stacks Added mentions of Handgonne Added Confidence/Lone Wolf mechanics Added slightly to some Use Cases Updated Fast Ad. Supporting Dodge value is a nice side effect, but not the main reason to use Relentless. This means that you do still need decent RES on your team and cant just run a bunch of clown Deserters at 30 base RES and expect to get away with it just because you have a good Bannerman with Rally. You dont have to build your whole team around it. I will say that taking Relentless just for more Dodge value isnt very compelling, more on that in the Relentless section. DoT effects like bleeds from Cleavers and Webknecht poison deal fixed HP damage over a certain amount of turns. Mansplitters are also entirely capable of 2 shotting most bros so Indom can be handy to have in the event that you allow a Berserker or Warlord an opportunity to attack you. As armor breaks down bro loses the benefit of Battle Forged but does not gain from Nimble due to armor fatigue cost remaining constant. mega thinks he can go around being so nice to everyone, little can't go one day without sending some dumbass heart emoji Mega#4361 THIS MF I HATE HIM Wasting your turns fishing for low accuracy hits on these guys would be better spent winning the battle instead by killing their support, who are often vulnerable to range fire. Having a higher innate headshot chance helps you prime more stacks for guaranteed headshots and continue to feed into itself throughout the battle. Although this treads over Rotations niche to some degree, having some Rotations on the team is still a good idea. With weapon spec they only cost 12 to swing and since you recover 15 per turn you will not accumulate Fatigue without Berserk or other skills or getting hit. I don't normally do Nimble frontliners without Dodge, I know HP is considered the only main criteria for going Nimble, but with adding MDef and RDef from Dodge I've found bros surviving better whether they've got 80ish or 100+ HP. Moving around in a swamp without Pathfinder is a real pain. Chosen are among the harder enemies to injure early. and less useful against low defense Orcs. Stack is removed whether you hit or miss. A 9AP cost is stifling. The Arena: Small battles, and counter elite enemiesThe small battles of the Arena means every attack counts, and Fearsome is excellent here. Whiffing on a Shieldbash is extremely annoying because it prevents you from taking that high ground tile. If using Dodge and having high FAT, Recover also helps you gain some Dodge value back. Footwork gives you an easy out. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. So taking 10 Bleeding damage on a Nimble bro is more like taking 25+ damage as your raw hp is multiplied by Nimble. For example, you can easily use a 2H Mace without mastery which is far stronger than a Billhook. You can perhaps get away with a lower base if you dont mind using Lionheart Potions for harder encounters. Since neither can wear heavy helmets without suffering range penalties, light armor and Nimble make a prime choice. Enemies have their respective perks/weapon skills in play. Think about why you are using each perk and dont fall into the mistake of lumping things into automatic package deals. 1Handers and 2H Cleavers: Two checks per turnAlthough having not as high of a ceiling as the above options, these weapons still attack plenty enough to deal a bunch of checks. + Increases SKL and DEF, the best stats+ Never a bad choice, as more SKL and DEF is always good+ Flexibility to choose stats depending on your needs Flexibility can also be a downside, as maybe you want a more specialized perk for your needs, Grants a spendable level up screen like a normal level up where you choose 3 stats, but with every stat getting a max roll without regarding stars. 2Handers and DuelistsThese are your primary damage dealers and they very much enjoy having Frenzy buffs. If you want to play until day 1000 and have level 25+ units then sure skip some stat perks and get something else, but the game isnt designed for such long play and youve long since become unkillable whether you used Gifted or not. For example, lets say you want to get your Resolve up and you want to put at least three levels into it. Anti-Ancient DeadAncient Dead have up to 210 armors on Honor Guards and very low hp (55 Legion, 65 HG). While Indom gives the best possible defense against Chosen, constantly using it and relying on it has its own costs. Since Barbarian two-handers are capable of 2-4 shoting most bros that arent using Indomitable, 9L actually has a better chance than usual to be meaningful here. For example, Taunting an Unhold 3 tiles away fighting a different bro will not stop the Unhold from throwing (the Taunt will have no effect at all in this case) Will not prevent Split Shield from being used Using Taunt on an enemy that cannot reach the Taunt user in any capacity will have no effect If an enemy is Taunted but then his or your position gets altered by something like Rotation and you are no longer in reach of each other then the Taunt will be ignored, Understanding AI nuance Will not make enemies brainless, and Taunt may be ignored if other AI factors outweigh it Does not work on Hexe Does not work on Beastmasters Will not prevent Ifrits from combining Will encourage enemies to engage into the Taunt users ZoC if there is an unobstructed means for them to do so, they are not already zoned, and they have already committed to fighting (meaning that if the enemy team is camping because they have ranged advantage, Taunt will not convince enemies to leave their line to go fight you) By extension, a unit like a Necromancer/Priest will not jump into your ZoC because you Taunted him. Reach will work better on units with naturally high skill, and can benefit from the bro having other accuracy perks to assist in hitting. As a reminder from the CS section, Alps, Schrats, Ifrits, Kraken, Dogs, Undead, Lindwurms, and Goblins are all targets that are either immune to injury or will die in two hits anyway (Goblins) regardless of Executioner (except Overseer). Normally the rarity of headshots can make them prohibitive to actually killing enemies as they have a healthy helmet to absorb the blow. Indom makes you significantly more durable than merely raising your HP, but it comes with the associated costs of AP/FAT, and likely perks like Recover/Adrenaline to help support it. Nimble: Gifted is better than usualNimble loves having a high hp count. BD also added an effect where you gain extra stats until your next turn when 9L procs. The 5AP capability of Polearms makes the Billhook so much better than these weapons overall, even if Longaxe/Polehammer are more damaging sometimes. There's two main reasons for this. Also reduces Fatigue cost of Nets/Grenades. Stagger/Daze/Control (2H Hammer/Mace/Polearm/Whip/etc.) If it is possible to get it to work, it would require very efficient gear. Nimble usually performs better against weapons with high AID such as two-handed weapons or Crossbows, while Forge excels against repeated weak attacks. Reason 1 is that going Colossus and pumping hp early makes the early game easier. Chosen (updated 8/11/20), Nimble Tests with Gifted/Steelbrow (updated 8/15/20), Nimble Tests With Medium Armor (updated 8/15/20), Nimble Tests with Famed Armor (and More) (slightly outdated), Unhold Fur Cloak vs. Goblins (updated 8/13/20), 10 defense (65% hit chance): death in 4.62 swings, 15 defense (60% hit chance): death in 5 swings (+.38), 40 defense (35% hit chance): death in 8.57 swings, 45 defense (30% hit chance): death in 10 swings (+1.43), 50 defense (25% hit chance): death in 12 swings, 56 defense (22% hit chance): death in 13.64 swings (+1.64), Shielding vs. ranged: no Fatigue incurred, 70 SKL vs. Pike Legion (70% hit chance): death in 4.29 swings, 90 SKL vs. Pike Legion (90% hit chance): death in 3.33 swings (.96), 70 SKL vs. SW Tower (20% hit chance): death in 15 swings, 90 SKL vs. SW Tower (40% hit chance): death in 7.5 swings (7.5), after armor damage, remaining head armor is 100, damage going through armor is 4 (14 10). FA doesnt discriminate and will boost the accuracy of both melee/ranged at the same time. Even better, if you can out speed the Hexe naturally (she has 100 INI and no equipment penalty) or by using Adrenaline then you can act first and move forward and wait turn. The Hexe then Charms you but you have no AP left because you already moved. In the current state of the game, 60 HP 300/300 Forge can die in a couple heavy hits. Note that single target 2Handers like 2H Mace dont gain much benefit from Relentless if you are just doing your one 12 FAT attack once per turn, but if using AoE skills, especially with Berserk, then you will accumulate FAT. Your team should be capable of slapping down zombies faster than he can pick them up. Nimble is economical and has an immediate impactNimble characters only need early Raider equipment which, unlike heavy armor, isnt expensive or difficult to get and repair. It is better to use the 320 piece if you dont mind the cost. can often find themselves hitting in this window, and will therefore enjoy a lot of extra checks with Fearsome. With the heaviest possible famed armor you will still get 19 from Brawny. Regular attacks that hit the shield only do 1 damage regardless of Expert. Utility Throwers Hes got some tricks up his sleeveThere are a number of consumable items that can provide valuable impact in battle. It solves the problem of character with low amount of FAT who would otherwise struggle wearing heavy armor. Even with LWs +15% you still need a very high base RES to safely LW without constant risk of morale drops just from enemies walking up to you. Disagreement is healthy and Im not arrogant enough to claim that other guides are completely wrong or that my guide is perfect. DiscussionBurst damage is preferred to waiting around for Bleeds to apply, but you cant always burst everything down so every bit of extra damage is nice to have. Anti-synergy with Adrenaline, Rotation, Footwork, Indomitable, TauntWhile none of these perks make Dodge bad, liberal use of these skills will fill your FAT quickly and lower your Dodge value. Taunt can do well if you bring a tank. Reach is stronger the higher your skill and defense, making it exceptional on strong recruits who are probably already going to be crushing the game. For these reasons a high Resolve score is a must for anyone looking to LW. See the formula below. Formula: %Chance to drop morale = 100 (ModifiedResolve 40 * (1 CurrentHP/MaxHP)) Ex: 200hp Orc Warrior with base 75 RES and no modifier takes 10 HP damage, Ex: Same Orc Warrior with 50hp left would have a 55% chance of morale drop The above examples didnt factor our Fearsome Resolve penalty, if our bro has 50 RES, we apply a 10 RES debuff to the Warrior on our checks, so actual morale drop chances would be 37% and 65% The Fearsome penalty caps at 100 RES which is a -20 penalty Ancient Dead have penalties of -12,-16, and -20 respectively Fallen Heroes have -20, Warlords -18, and Gunners -14 3Head Flail: Only one morale check can occur at 1-14 damage per 3-hit. Although the enemy does get to attack still, presumably your tank should more than capable of avoiding or absorbing the hit. This logic also applies to the Handgonne. For example, if you have an interesting choke point funnel or hill that you can make use of but there arent very many useful tiles for you to stand on behind it, then you can use Rotation to sub fighters in and out. You can use it to block annoying displacement abilities, save a bro in danger, protect damage dealers, control Necrosavants, and much more. As you can see, Mastery makes a huge difference to the damage and injury potential of Crossbows. By the time you are gaining veteran levels you should have already built a party that can clear most or all of the game. Then on your second turn phase you move toward them and attack and then use Adrenaline. Some perks especially shine in the early and mid game and Im going to be pointing this out. Nimble Brow has some advantages compared to regular Nimble. If you position your team poorly and end up with a very vulnerable bro, say a guy surrounded by 4 Orcs, then Rotation can save the guy in danger but it doesnt solve the Orc problem. There is nothing stopping you from using multiple or even all of these to just stack your defense as much as possible, but if you are tight on perk space then Underdog may not be your best pick here so long as you maintain formation. 25 FAT cost is expensive and sometimes you may find yourself in danger without enough FAT to use Rotation to bail out. It can be a good control ability but you have to understand how it works and how it can help you. Early Game: value first pickColossus is one of the best picks as a first perk. amazing. Dodge supportYou certainly do not need Resilient to make use of Dodge, but there are a number of status effects (Stagger/Daze/Poison/Flies/Distracted/Shellshocked/Withered) that will reduce your Initiative and kill your Dodge value. Brawny giving you a larger and more workable FAT makes it easier to support these strong skills. HH allows bros to hit the head twice in a row which helps get around this problem. Are you really sure you want to be halving your accuracy?Lets start with cover mechanics and how they affect accuracy. Cleavers enjoy FAT support to make Decapitate more accessible. Accuracy perks can help improve HH consistencyAs stacks are lost on missing, picking up Gifted and/or Backstabber can increase your returns on HH by reducing your odds of missing. Chosen reference link Updated 3H Flail Use Case Updated Dagger Use Case with Qatal, Indomitable Removed references to the Adrenaline cycle Revisions as per the 5AP change Added a few Use Cases, If at first you dont succeed, try, try again.. Pathfinder helps here, especially in the cases where the camp is elevated above your starting position. 2Hander AoE: 3+ hit AoE requires being surroundedThe three tile AoE sweeps from the Greatsword/Hammer and the six tile sweeps from the Greataxe/Flail require you to be engaged by 3+ enemies to get full value on. Recover is a good pickup if you intend to spam, but may not be needed if you intend to just have Indom as insurance or an opener. Then if you are hit by a status before your second turn action, that status will have its duration reduced by one turn when your second action comes around, even though you have no AP to do anything with anyway. In the early game imo 80+% of your units should go Nimble. Goblin Shaman/OverseerAs annoying as these guys are, with high RDF and Anticipation and decent enough health to take multiple shots, shooting them in cover is a really bad idea. How does Duelist compare to 2handers?It is pretty clear that Duelist is very strong when we are ditching our shields. Recover can help support Adrenaline spamming, but if you just need to use it once or twice in a battle to gain an advantage then you dont necessarily need Recover for it. A front liner expecting to see a lot of danger would like as much HP as he can reasonably get. This can add up to a fair chunk of FAT if you are carrying multiple 2Handers for example. Craft Named Weapons . You want a very dodgy bro to make this work, and given Swords low damage vs. armor you will need some backup Swords or a different option against heavily armored foes. It is not particularly strong in either case. Any attack that inflicts at least 1 point of damage to hitpoints triggers a morale check for the opponent, as opposed to only if at or above 15 points of damage. Mind can help counter this threat. Bleeding, Charmed) has its duration reduced to 1 turn. Download the zip, and place it in: steamapps/common/Battle Brothers/data 2. With each new character level reached by your mercenary he will gain 1 Perk point in addition to Attributes stats points. You can browse and/or search. You can also use the extra defense to be aggressive and double grip a 1Hander or go for an early 2Hander (I dont recommend this if you are a new player and still learning). If anybody manages to breach then you can enjoy your added defense until your next turn. Dont have your 70 HP, 3 RDF Nimble archer stand out in the open against 12 Ambushers. Not that having more Initiative is bad or anything, but it also isnt uniquely better on Duelists. QH enemies can do this against you as well. Misconception Dodge is married to Relentless/Overwhelm/NimbleNo, you can build a Nimble unit without Dodge, and you can build a Dodge unit without Relentless or Overwhelm. Overwhelm is akin to having more MDFOverwhelm is a good debuff but the perk itself suffers from something of an identity crisis. As such, bros with lower SKL will benefit more from accuracy perks than bros with higher SKL, and accuracy perks can even be stronger than damage perks in some cases. You can avoid this with good use of Adrenaline and/or Relentless. Hits to the head no longer cause critical damage to this character, which also lowers the risk of sustaining debilitating head injuries. 6 defense isnt bad by any means, but most of the time you will not be capped on your FAT. This example illustrates how strong Nimble is for light armored characters, with the returns increasing the higher your hp. There are only so many enemies that you are going to be capable of killing each turn so if you have 12 Berserks then you will not be able to proc all of them. Hexe are one of the more dangerous enemies in the game and Resilient makes them significantly easier because being Charmed for 1 turn instead of 2 is a huge difference, and you can even negate the Charm entirely with good timing. Is more Resolve better than a different stat booster?As a raw stat perk, Mind is going to have to be compared to the other raw stat perks. CS is a niche perk that suffers from a number of problems. You can be very aggressive with 2Handers and/or Polearm users that have poor defense by having Footwork to get out of any halfway dangerous situations. There are a lot of weapons that can function for equal or less than that per turn. Legendary locations feature long battlesThe legendary locations are long fights that will test your endurance. 6.4% Death in 2. A possible set could include a Warhammer for armor removal, a Flail for head hits, a Whip for disarms, a Cleaver for regular damage, and a Spear for zone control, or a backup shield and even a net. Make no mistake, spending a whole turn on Recover is a huge cost. That would bring our Mind gain to 3.25 levels. A possible set could include a Crossbow, a Billhook, a one-handed weapon, a Heater Shield, and a Whip. Duelists however have better mobility and can attack multiple times per turn which means that missing is less painful and there is less wasted overkill damage on weakened enemies. HH appreciates high skill: value is lost on missMissing wastes your HH stack, which can lead to more split damage which s the opposite of what you are trying to achieve. Nimble with base equipment beats Forge until its set with 300/300. Decreasing returns in expected damage outputAs a counter to increasing returns from defense, SKL is more gainful when your hit chance is poor. Frontline shield tanks supported by Overwhelm from elsewhere are extremely durable. Most of the time Rally isnt going to do anything, but it is an insurance policy against disaster that you are going to want regardless. Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.. Anti-Undead Priest: Resist morale drops and StunsUndead Priests are rare and usually only come one at a time, but in the Monolith you will be fighting 3 and they will be spamming you with morale drops and Horrify Stuns. Again, there are many ways to be successful in Battle Brothers. Vs Light Chosen (145 hat, 140 body): No Perks: 5.17 shots to kill on average. Characters will benefit from Bags as long as the extra given tools are being used. Schrats also deal a large amount of Ignore% damage and they have CS, so without Indom there is a very high chance you will be getting a lot of injuries here. Settlement Situation Tooltip. Nimble: 40/160 Brow line beats other 40% Nimble linesNimble does a wonderful job of mitigating the occasional headshot that you might take, but Brow does allow for a unique armor line to be used that takes advantage of how Nimble works. A scattered shot has a penalty to hit chance against the new tile/target (flat -15% drop). The nerf to 5AP cost also made Indom harder to use on 2Handers, either requiring you to skip on you attacks or Berserk into it. Hitpoints (HP) damage dealt to a target depends on a weapon and skill armor ignoring damage (AID) proportion as well as on the targets remaining armor. Most enemies will move several tiles toward you and end their turn. This is actually pretty easy to do because they like to target bros that are closer to them. Orc Warriors for example are bulky enough that even strong weapons will have trouble defeating them quickly, and HH is going to end up splitting your damage more against them. Those tests seemed to suggest that Brow was worth about 15hp which is 3 level ups (Colossus assumed) of hp. If you are worried about keeping your range units alive then FW is definitely something that can give you some peace of mind. Early game: You have a lot of shieldbrosYou tend to use a lot of shield users in the early game due to having poor defense and durability. Focusing too much on famed armor is a bit of a min-max mindset, as there is no guarantee you will find a lot of famed armor or that it will roll particularly well or that you will find it early. Legendary locations: Special battles like Monolith, Goblin City, etc. Even if it falls low to something like +5 then consider that +5 is the passive benefit of Shield Expert and inner formation Underdog. Putting two Overwhelms on an enemy is usually about 12-16 extra avoidance, which is a huge value for one perk. Goblins are very hard to out-speed. For example, a Warhammer bro would be better with a Sword in a regular Unhold fight even if he has Hammer Mastery, so give him a sword for that fight. + Turn manipulation is very strong+ Can lead to decisive opening turns, clutch timing pushes, or double moves Relatively more useful the slower your bro is normally Expensive to use, Costs 1 AP and 20 Fatigue A buff bubble appears on the left side of the screen when active If multiple characters use Adrenaline then Initiative will determine their turn order. Melee bros can also capitalize on injuries distributed earlier on by your range units. Scatter mechanics are complicated but there are a few takeaways to consider. Two-Handers: CS value depends on weapon choiceFor the most part CS is wasted on two-handers unless you are trying to Injure Unholds, Orc Warriors, Chosen, or Nimble enemies. Split Shield damage to shields increased by 50% on Axes only. You would be better off just doing two regular slashes than a FW into Lunge. Having Rotations whether they are on your frontline or backline can be a great way to help distribute damage across the whole party instead of putting the full brunt of it onto the frontline. Your veterans should be able to keep your fresh blood safe in battle so the short term loss of missing a perk isnt as big a deal. This is just about see what you can get a bro to with both nimble and BF. Investing heavily into INI for Lunge is going to leave you stat starved in other areas like HP and MDF. This means an 80 skill bro using a Mace without any surrounding help has only a 30% hit chance against Walling Legion. Understanding how the AI works makes FW less relevant as a panic button because you will get better at preventing those panic scenarios from happening in the first place. You can use this to your advantage. This tactic works better the more bros on your team have Adrenaline and the lesser enemies are faced, but it can still be effective with just one or a few bros using it. So in this case CS actually might indeed make a big difference to the number of injuries you are inflicting early on. If you already have Colossus, what if you wanted to double down on the passive durability and grab Brow as well? Flat -15 % drop ) are many ways to be successful in Battle.! As a first perk something of an identity crisis shot has a penalty to hit the head twice a! Fw into Lunge Shield only do 1 damage regardless of Expert from Nimble due to armor cost... 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