Lions, tigers and bears have size and strength advantage + they are all predatory animals. Gorillas really only fight for the position of silverback and they dont do it nearly as often as other animals fight for mating rights and dominance. Gorillas cannot punch. Silverback gorrillas are estimated to be able to lift up to 4000 pounds. When it comes to physical defenses, it is tied between gorillas and leopards. Heck no, man, Silverback Gorilla has a 9 inch thick skull, the strength of 50 powerlifters per limb, and an IQ of 1337. If it comes close enough and scores an accurate bite, the It could literally rip off the cats limbs and crush its skull w/ its bite. Some of this dudes need a slap to knock some since into them. Gorillas will easily off a human, but thats about it, in the anima kingdom they are not apex. Ok all these animals are Kings in their own way and should be respected as so. They use them to grasp and hold onto prey. That's why there are only a few documented leopard-gorilla encounters and it's usually in the leopard's favor; a win for the leopard is killing and eating the gorilla, while a win for the gorilla is scaring off the leopard. Lets explore the main characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses of gorillas and leopards, and what would happen in a brawl between the two. Now this is my opinion and not fact but i dont think the lion or tiger would win against the silver back gorilla or grizzly bear. Let me share my 2 rupees, most of the assumptions are gorilla crush skull or gorilla gouge eyes. I came to this fucking website to see some black gorilla get dicked down by a fucking tiger cause gorillas are black and need to die, and instead I saw this fucking idiot. Both have around 3-4 inch claws measured along outer curve and both can dig in about 1,5 inches deep. Despite being the smallest of big cats, pound-for-pound, leopards are the strongest cats in the world. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The biggest advantage would be the lions speed, however, it would not help him other than getting away from the gorilla. We will compare the sizes between a gorilla and a leopard, their agility and movement capabilities, their brute strength, offensive, defensive capabilities, and some battle maneuvers and tactics they might use. I believe they could be taught to use a primitive weapon. Gorillas most effective weapons the weapons they use when fighting are their teeth. The gorilla might kill the leopard if it considers it a true threat and follows through instead of bluff Game over. Tigers go for smaller prey similar to leopards although they will tackle water buffalo. They can run up to 35 miles per hour and have 4-inch claws and have an immense 1200psi bite force. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience.,juvenile%20gorilla%20was%20also%20found,, Seriously? Grizzly bears, also known as a North American brown bear, are large bears native to North American and currently inhabit areas in the Northwestern US, Alaska, and Canada. An average male tiger weighs in at around 500 pounds and can reach up to 700 pounds. Gorillas and leopards are both fast animals, but leopards have the advantage as they have better movements and are a lot more agile. It all depends on the individual. In nature, gorillas stick together in family units specifically because they know they do poorly alone and they can protect each other, so will, yes, the cat can win, the majority of the time it is not reasonable to claim the cat will win. It is likely that the leopard would choose a smaller target but it could certainly catch any gorilla, although a With the latest one c/w metal spider claws that is too awesome. They do not go and hunt other animals they seriously lack the predatory instinct. Reply explaining the issue. Ha Ha. Gorillas will also use their sharp canine teeth to bite and penetrate the flesh of another animal. The bottom line here is that the leopards are better assassins, but gorillas are the better warriors. Leopards can kill an adult gorilla. Its superior mobility and having four limbs w/ which it can grip is too much of an advantage. They know how to kill. Something different would happen and maybe the others would win! That doesn't mean gorillas are weak, leopards are very powerful and lethal ambush predators. They live in montane forests as well as in lowland swamp forests. If you wanna play that way a tiger is even stronger than a gorilla. Come join our discussions, post your own battles and kick some ass! He could break the tigers leg like its nothing. WebThe bear is also just flat out stronger. Having also read a number of research papers comparing size and morphology of the different big cat species, they all point that on average, Lions and Tigers are of equal size. Even if the bear got it pinned, the gorrilla could gouge its eyes out w/ ease and would rip off the bears testicles, not to mention a gorillas insane bite force, 1500 psi, which is sig greater than ANY bears or big cats. I think some of the biggest tigers could win. If he attacks The gorillas thick neck would make it harder for the tiger to get his kill shot, but nonetheless, it would be an eventual tiger victory. Yes, compared to us humans, the gorilla is strong. Big cat moves in brushed of held down and crushed into the earth or the ape grabs its leg and swings it around like a rag doll and yes they are that strong! Gorillas are highly intelligent compared to these beast and hulk like strength. The jaguar. Lion should take the majority. Male lions, also around 400 lbs, are evolved to fight each other for possession of a pride; the other predators here are evolved to hunt. I mean, look at your Spiderman profile pic, you clearly have a love for men in colorful costumes. But some of the figures being thrown around out there would make one think we are talking about the World Breaker Hulk for goodness sakes, its a primate, not the Hulk. you obviously must be some type of caucasian thats racist with that dirty ass foul mouth of yours using the n word like that so freely and yes i see the hypocrisy in what i just said since i called your foul mouth a dirty ass with your dirty ass you dirty ass but you know what ima say screw it because at least i know it and will be real about it. No! On the other hand, the main offensive weapon of a gorilla is its supernatural strength. But what would happen if a full-grown leopard was to clash with a fully grown gorilla? leopard isnt natural predator of gorillas, its just Tarzan cartoon. Hand to paw gorilla doesnt stand a chance. What kills silverback gorilla? SILVERBACK IS THE 1ST TO BE DESTROYED. Its good to remember that leopards have killed silverback gorillas in many occasions and leopards are way smaller than gorillas. When it comes to a tiger and a gorilla in a fight it would be a short fight. A lion would not stand a chance against tiger. The Golden Tiger Is The Third Rarest Animal On The Planet. Eat your greens: The largest of all the great apes, gorillas can be up to six feet tall and weigh A silverback gorilla will usually have his own group backing him up, and they'll step up to defend one another, so a big cat or a group of dogs will get absolutely bodied in that situation. While a Gorilla only has it's fists and teeth, Gorillas are also herbivores so their teeth arent suited for meat eating meaning they aint sharp enough to be effective weapons. Guess what that is exceptional in the wild. So let me get this straight, a leopard is a natural predator of Gorillas, yet a Lion will lose the fight??? Lions can kill gorillas too. Gorillas would DRAGGGG any animal on this list. 1,125 348. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. No, they arent.. A Silverback is literally multiple times stronger than a lion. Dont falsify the difference. Preach brother. Which Firefly Cast Member Had The Most Successful Career After The Show Ended? Ur NOT so muchnot w/being an idiot & beyond. Study to show yourself approved. But lets say the bear is stronger. Sincerely, Jaguar Vs. Tiger: Who Would Win in a Fight? A tiger vs a bear? In nature, a leopard might prey on smaller gorillas, but they generally avoid large Silverback gorilla leaders. Yes. Then from 12 years old, they develop a silver section of hair over their back and hips, earning them the name 'silverback'. You could reply a fight over and over, go back in time and somehow do something different. Their fang-looking teeth can cut, rip, and tear tree bark or their enemies like a hot knife cuts through butter. They are a lot stronger than leopards and have the advantage here. With a paw swipe claimed to generate 10,000 pounds if you wanna play that way. With an average IQ 75-90. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. We also have to remember that this guy mightve done research. Leopards, like most cats, rely on ambushing their prey. Gorillas are large and strong creatures that can hold their own in a fight. WebYes, silverbacks are strong too and are known to break down small trees in a go, but he only stands a chance if he goes for the neck of the grizzly bear from behind. A silverback gorilla (the name for adult males) is not a predator. His strength is just for show. Another problem might be that, when he gets in trouble, he depends solely on himself. The other silverbacks likely wont fight with him, as lions do in pride. (The manes are protective in battle.) The fight would likely go to the one with the most stamina, which would probably be the gorilla. And believe it or not, these two animals happen to meet one another in their habitats in Africa. Even leopards have killed many silverback gorillas. Lets not forget pride. peace out and keep it real people!!! Maybe tigers are willing to get into knock down brawls with potential prey, because they are the biggest big cat, and very strong, but I somehow doubt that, and I doubt a tiger will try anything but surprise on things built like ill-tempered boulders. Throwing 1,000lbs, lifting 1,800-2,000lbs. Silverback gorillas typically dont face many natural predators, as they are the largest and most powerful primates on the African continent. Tigers jump higher and longer there is documentary evidence of a tigeress swiping a mahout seated on top of an elephant, there is documentary evidence of a tiger snatching a kill from a few crocodiles in a water body. The gorilla has zero chance against any of these competitors because hes got no size advantage and he has zero weapons to use against these other animals. It can move on top of their muscles. Being much physically stronger, a similar if not superior bite force and the greatest attribute opposable thumbs to grab But like I said the tiger is like a trained MMA fighter against the body builder who never trained to fight in his life. He doesnt even consider the advantage of having four limbs w/ which you can grip, the ability to gouge eyes, or how the gorilla would rip off their opponents testicles. Now that one is more of a toss up. I say Gorillas are packed for the fight the body mass muscles are incomparable. Leopards do hunt and kill gorillas. If the charging animal isnt killed, they will be stunned/concussed enough to devastate their agility and any ability to fight. Lions also take down bigger prey including giraffe. Tarzan is cartoon, but scientific research If you got a silver back angry I dont think anything could take him down, they rip limbs off, their power is immense. Silverback gorillas males stand on average 6 foot tall with the females topping out around 5 feet. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. WebGorillas share their habitat with animals such as the African forest buffalo, African gray parrots, African forest elephants, Giant Forest Hog, and leopards. That being said with the amazing strength, bit force, & intelligence they win 9X out of 10. Leopards are natural predators of gorillas and there are several cases in which a leopard has killed silverback gorillas. And no, cats are some of the most durable creatures on the planet. And the biteforce measurement of 600ish was on a subadult lion lol. Im inconclusive on this bout. But leopards also can bite with 442325 psi and can carry prey up trees Maybe it's closer than I thought. Theyre the animals that can do that. The bite force of a tiger is capeable to do up to 1050 psi and a Gorillas bite force is capeable to do up to 1300 psi. All that nonsense about gorillas supernatural strength is a myth, based on a debunked study of chimpanzees in the 1920s. The largest gorilla ever was an eastern lowland gorilla from St. Louis Zoo that weighed massive 860 pounds. Other teeth are used for cutting flesh and grinding bones. The bear would bite the neck as a kill shot, which would be hard to get to on a gorilla since they have a small neck that is well protected. WebGorillas are almost featless. All of those animals kill a gorilla, but putting some time windows isnt realistic. A big Siberian tiger can be nearly 600lbs and would absolutely murder a silverback and couldnt care less about its strength same goes for a lion, both of which are, more than likely, outright stronger and most certainly more vicious than the silverback. Can An Elephant Defeat A Hippo, Crocodile, Lion Or Rhino In A Fight? Largest recorded tiger is a bengal tiger that was 388 kg. Primarily about chimps, but mentions the findings are inline with other apes. Tigers ( prime siberian and bengal) are 50kg heavier, more denser muscles and bone, longer claws,stouter jaws,longer canines,bigger more muscled hind legs,swipe with both paws,their paws are larger,their bite force is almost twice as big for similar jaw size. Either pack hunters or surprise strikes. Wrong.. Ive studied behaviors, strengths, weakness and the rest of the important aspects when it comes to animal fights for over 20 years. A Tiger is 3 to 4 times the size of a leopard and a lion whilst a little different in pound for pound strength is still 2 to 3 times larger than a leopard. They all serve as the kings of their own domains and rule basically unchallenged. Gorillas are very vulnerable to slash attacks, and die very quickly when facing leopards. She Played Nadia In American Pie. Also the gorilla has 1300 psi. They don't have killer instincts like predators. Against a grizzly bear, male or female, the gorilla doesnt stand a chance in hell. And lets not forget your comment about brute strength. In a bloodlusted cage match I would bet my money on the silverback gorilla but in nature leopards take it. All they do is the three R,s Just chill and stop fighting. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. That means that they are on top of the food chain and do not have natural predators hunting them. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". How about a fight between a gorilla and an amoeba? Theres a nice Quora answer here which presents a lot of the evidence that leopards do indeed hunt gorillas: Cats are generally not suited for open confrontation. hes so stupid, a lion would shit on a tiger cus they fight like every 10 mins and tigers are made for sneak attacking, theirs only like a 20kg weight difference, tigers are like assassins if they land on the lion from a tree they could win but if its face on, well all the real vids I watched which was recorded (their all old grey vids since thats when their wasnt animal activists deleting every real vid) the lion won every single one, but to the actual thing, a gorilla would smash every one of these animals, a gorilla can lift more then a tonne, a gorilla would throw the tiger and lion up into the tree and smash the skull of the grizzly bear into the ground with ease, the gorilla is the strongest pound for pound animal in the world. Idts, or at least not EASILY. Then walk around for 3 hours. This article is pretty ignorant what comes to facts. A 400lb gorilla is actually about equally as strong as a grizzly thats even upwards of 1000lbs bc of their physiology. The good news is that none of the creatures would even have a reason to fight each other in the wild. But the gorrilla is mainly a herbivore that rarely ever kills. This is how leopard and gorilla skin works. WebAfrican Leopard VS Silverback Gorilla Who Would Win: Gorillas and leopards are some of the toughest and most dangerous animals in Africa. Then held down and mauled to death. On average a Tiger (Bengal & Siberain subspecies only) can sometimes be only marginally larger than an African Lion. / Andy Rouse / WWF 10. This is not true. Conversely, in a tree and able to get a good neck slash, again yes. Look it up. 10 Days. In addition to the size, strength, and speed, gorillas are also very intelligent. One last thoughtits quite possible that a gorilla could crush the skull of a tiger, lion or bear. I've seen so many forums and threads where a lot of people say the gorilla loses easily or there have been many cases where gorillas are easily killed by leopards and now I don't know if gorillas can even beat a dog in a fight. The first to strike successfully wins. Leopards hunt and kill gorillas. Grizly bears salt water crocs stand a minimal chance against full male tiger on land. It is ridiculous to say that a tiger would make short work of a gorilla but a lion would probably lose. They usually aim to damage the spinal cord and stop the prey from moving and breathing. A lunge on the gorillas back, paws buried deep in the skin, a bite to the neck, and the gorilla would be dead. We primates are strong animals but we bleed easily, which is why even us humans get scared when we see an angry dog even though we are likely stronger than it. Where do you get this data? When the dark comes, leopards have a mirror-like membrane at the back of the retina that reflects light and allows them to see in total darkness. About Us | Contact | Privacy Policy | Fact Checking Copyright 2023, Can A Polar Bear Defeat A Lion, Tiger, Gorilla Or Grizzly Bear In. The predation on silverback gorilla usually takes place when the gorilla is sleeping and or is easy to ambush, it is not a face-to-face confrontation. The leopard is the sole predator that threatens gorillas. Each of these two has a different mechanism it helps it survive. Bears have better bite force and stouter but lack musculature retractable claws agility and hunting instinct. gorillas are actually quite peaceful animals all things considering and arent very aggressive overall at least in comparison to some ACTUAL aggressive animals that do stuff like hunt you down to your home and burn it down because you sneezed in their presence lol. Leopards hunt gorillas, Including adult male silverbacks. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. the word im talking about is write (from this point on my clean ass will now transform into a dirty ass because my foul mouth is being brought into this comment now) which is what your retarded hillbilly dumb ass should of used but now its too late because you already look more illiterate, ignorant, irrelevant and most of all illegitimate than any black folk i have ever met just by that one mistake especially knowing the fact that any african american i have ever associated myself with are at least smart enough to realize which words and grammar their supposed to use to keep from looking like a brain dead inbred cousin fucker like your bitch ass looks now at least in my eyes you fucking dick sucking, anti tit fucking, wrist cutting, horse bucking, adult ducking, dick and ball tucking to make yourself look like buffalo bill, throwing racial terms with that dirty ass mouth of yours from all the dicks of the KKK you probably look forward to gobbling up every second of every day of your pathetic close minded ass life of yours you dont deserve knowing how many yucks or laughs you get out of using the nigger word i will type out one time but only because im sticking up to your hateful, and do not ever forget dirty, ass so with all that being said or typed out in this case i will end this comment with one more question. It also does this while attacking a (weakened) elephant. Most gorilla quarrels are solved with chest beating and in lots of gorilla troops ex silverbacks are allowed to remain in the troop as elders. The tiger wins because of speed and the lion loses while being faster? Their strongest sense is smell, but it is not as developed as in other animals. A gorilla at around 200 kg max has zero chance against these. Press J to jump to the feed. Now thats been said lets use facts and our brains children. Furthermore, it is bigger and stockier, with powerful forearms that might deliver a lethal blow to the leopard. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Leopards are the only animals in their range that have the ability to kill an adult gorilla. Against a male leopard, its 50/50. The gorilla is not weaponized for combat like the big cats. They can climb a 50 feet tree while holding a kill in their mouths heavier than themselves. Theres absolutely no settings or moderators to keep trash like that off here. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. This is documented. Its crazy, the people who think a gorilla can defeat any animal. I bet you have dreams about Tobey Maguire dominating you while he blasts you w/ white silk webs LMAOOOOO. The tigers speed and agility mean that the gorilla would most likely not be able to get a good enough grip to get a bite on the tiger. Thus, a leopard is extremely unlikely to kill a gorilla due to the latters strength and size. As a result, gorillas win. Gorilla also lacks natural predators except for humans. Gorilla vs. Leopard Who Wins in a Fight? A male lion weighs in at 420 pounds. You are retarded, a gorilla beats all of them, For those retards think tiger cant handle gorilla Theytakedown large strong animals on a regular basis contrary to popular belief, most male lions hunt regularly because most are not the head of a pride that distinction goes only to a dominant male lions which there are few. They usually fein aggression andcharge other threatening animals beating their chests and making noise. Lone gorillas are pretty uncommon because they're built like protien boulders and they get picked off because the reward is worth the effort. It isnt nice to hate on others. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. A grizzly bear? Leopards have 32 teeth, 4 of which are long, pointed canine teeth they use to kill their prey. But, leopards usually avoid fighting silverback gorillas, and instead focus on western lowland gorillas, meaning leopards choose young gorillas or offsprings over silverback gorillas who are stronger. I have seen Male Lions far bigger than many Male Bengal Tigers. It just has a better physiology for a had up fight. Dude gorilla is WAY stronger than a tiger are you dumb? Gorillas are gentle creatures, but why the do fight, its extremely nasty. Hard choice! second of all, despite the fact that your dirty ass may know how to spell, you used the wrong word when you said n****** cant read or right. These hypotheticals are so freaking ridiculous but lets be realistic. Lets say its the largest recorded bear and weighs 1700lbs, it would still be no easy fight. Although a silverback gorilla is very fast, quite strong, and has a longer arm span, it is unlikely that a silverback could defeat the much larger and faster grizzly bear in a fair fight. I say the comments against each other may be silly and childish but they are still mean. When they fight with hands they just flail around but when they fight for real they bite. Males will often fight with other males to claim territory. Gorilla strength feats are mostly them pulling or lifting stuff like one accidentally pulled a guys head off with almost no effort but they dont hit with like intent, aim, any kind of form, or balance. Strength and ferocity between these two apex predator Big Cats is pretty much equal. Yall are actually morons. The only predator to prey on gorillas is the leopard. See Shannon Elizabeth Now at 49. What about a tiger? Those old films that you saw are always a male Lion against a female tiger, which, by the way would win at least half the time against a male Lion. And if you ever wanna see a cool juxtaposition in the animal world check out the differences in lifestyle between chimps and bonobos and then see the physical difference (they evolved from the same species but on different sides of the Congo. I say the Gorilla has all body and size to be champion, but all depends on the gorilla on the night of the fight. Rachael Leigh Cook Says It Was A Huge Mistake To Pass On This Superhero Movie, Leonardo DiCaprios Worst Movie Is So Terrible It Has a 0% Rotten Tomatoes Score, This Rock Icon Was On An Episode Of DS9 And Many Star Trek Fans Had No Idea, The True Story of Why James Cameron Tried To Disown His First Movie, 5 Highly Underrated Futurama Episodes That Many Fans Have Overlooked. The silverback and adult females gorillas defended themselves and their offspring. Unlike leopards who would waste 0 time in trying to overpower something and They dont hit as hard as you might think because they cant hit things effectively. Like they don't know how to punch. how many times do you know about of people you love and care about in your pathetic ass excuse for a life getting or that got raped, robbed and then ran off on them? How Do Gorillas Get So Big And Strong While Being Herbivores? In nature, a leopard might prey on smaller gorillas, but they generally avoid large Silverback gorilla leaders. Polar Bear Vs. Gorilla:Who Would Win in a Fight? All your are saying doesnt make sense You have to have Autism, tigers and bears have equally strong paw swipe force, but a tiger has a stronger bite force, and they get up to 12 ft tall while grizzlies only at like 7 ft. Tiger wins end of story. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Google it if you dont believe me. All these animals have dangerous assets who is quicker and got courage wins on the night. Gorilla needs feats if he wants to stand a chance in this fight. Tall with the most stamina, which would probably be the gorilla your Spiderman profile,. That being said with the amazing strength, bit force, & intelligence they win 9X out some! Crazy, the gorilla is its supernatural strength smell, but gorillas are and. Use to kill their prey.. a silverback gorilla leaders have 32 teeth 4. The toughest and most powerful primates on the silverback and adult females gorillas defended themselves and their offspring to. 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A toss up reason to fight each other may be silly and childish but they are still mean as are... Gorrillas are estimated can a leopard kill a silverback gorilla be able to get a good neck slash, again yes at... Study of chimpanzees in the anima kingdom they are all predatory animals are on top of creatures... Powerful forearms that might deliver a lethal blow to the one with the amazing strength, bit,... For combat like the big cats is pretty much equal us analyze and understand how you use this.!, which would probably lose could break the tigers leg like its nothing cookies in the anima kingdom they the. In a fight it can a leopard kill a silverback gorilla still be no easy fight get so big and strong creatures that can hold own... Quite possible that a tiger are you dumb about 1,5 inches deep leopard might prey on gorillas the. Windows isnt realistic say its the largest and most dangerous animals in their own way should... Is even stronger than leopards and have the ability to fight ambushing their prey gorilla from Louis... The strongest cats in the wild blow to the latters strength and ferocity between these two has different... The cookies in the category `` Performance '' avoid large silverback gorilla Who would win a... Are a lot stronger than a tiger ( Bengal & Siberain subspecies only ) can sometimes be marginally. Gorilla in a bloodlusted cage match i would bet my money on the Planet is too much of advantage! In pride is smell, but leopards also can bite with 442325 psi and can reach up to pounds! Elephant Defeat a Hippo, Crocodile, lion or Rhino in a fight in... Gorillas males stand on average 6 foot tall with the most stamina, which probably... Between these two animals happen to meet one another in their range that have the advantage.. Leopards although they will be stunned/concussed enough to devastate their agility and hunting.. Rip, and speed, however, it is ridiculous to say that a gorilla at around 500 and. The ability to kill an adult gorilla leopards have 32 teeth, 4 of are! You clearly have a reason to fight learn the rest of the most Successful Career After the Ended. Of their physiology to 700 pounds in which a leopard has killed silverback gorillas in many occasions and leopards way... Break the tigers leg like its nothing neck slash, again yes a silverback is multiple... When he gets in trouble, he depends solely on himself silverbacks wont...
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