Page 162 of the American paperback edition states, "A large P was superimposed on the Gryffindor lion. When Harry, Ron, and Hermione first find a carriage, and have stowed their luggage, they return to the platform to say goodbye to Mr and Mrs Weasley. Spend a few pages writing out your plot. The home Harry was currently using as a makeshift potions lab was one such place three streets away from Privet Drive, on Gray Street. He continued to sob as he freed himself from the rubble, close to fainting he dragged himself away from the debris with only one functional leg.He laid pushes himself up against a rock and turned over onto his back, panting heavily as he stared up at the sky. Many Avengers were snapped, and billions of others with them. However, when Snape tries to take away 10 house points from Gryffindor at the end of Order of the Phoenix, Professor McGonagall says that there isn't anymore house points to take away from Gryffindor, and so she must add some first before any can be taken away. Together my godsons and I watched movies, played games, have food, took a nap, and did everything together. Similarly to how in headcanons Hermione and Ron would be supportive of Harry and Draco, James Potter would be aware of the romantic feelings between Remus and Sirius. Harry turned, a frown upon his face, "I'm going to give you one second to explain that before I break you." Harry stated calmly. After everything he's been through, his depression finally catches up to him and he turns to self destructive coping mechanisms to deal with it. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). This could arguably be considered a serious security risk to Hogwarts. Look on. This was also corrected to "curse" in later printings of the American versions. She'll also have cleared the way for us so there won't be anythin that thinks young boys are yummy out there." . See more ideas about harry potter stories, harry potter fanfiction, harry potter. Sirius and Remus adopted Harry and are working at Hogwarts. It is also possible that Lupin had caught the flu, or any other - curable - disease. I'll only say this once as you ALL should know by now that no one, not even me, owns any of the characters of the Harry Potter stories - they all belong to JK Rowling. Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence. However, as only one male Gryffindor prefect would have been chosen from their year, it would have been impossible for both of them to be prefects. If a normal class ran that long, it would make a double period three hours. On page 283 of some copies of both the US paperback and hardback editions, the word ". If nobody could acquire the Stone if they wanted to use it, then it is unclear how Nicolas Flamel was supposed to get it in order to make more. 1.7M 52.5K 39. It seems impossible that the three could have found their camps that quick, unless Mr Weasley had sent a message to his sons while collecting wood for their fire. When I say realistic, I mean it in terms of the portrayal of the Second Wizarding War and how it affects the Muggles, the detail that went into expanding the Harry . Harry is tired and tries to end it all.Severus finds him. Near the beginning of the chapter, Neville is assigned the task of disembowelling horned toads as punishment from Professor Snape. Since the trio had already stowed their luggage earlier, there would be no need for them to go looking for an empty compartment. Crouch could have been lying about there being a Ministry directive against him showing dark curses to such young students in order to make them seem more terrifying. Or: How Tony Stark and Peter Parker cope with irreversible trauma, both physical and mental. what Harry wants. Mentioned bio irondad/spiderson, but it doesnt play a huge part in the story. I'm sorry if there are any mistakes here. The two acted like an old married couple already, and as two of Harry's operating parental figures, they would only get together in no time. Some British people call the lunchtime meal 'dinner' and the evening meal 'tea' but the books call the meals 'lunch' and 'dinner'. That's what fanfiction is about. Best Funny Harry Potter Fanfiction. The exams may have been done by first name. Perhaps Umbridge, being the incompetent witch that she was, did not fully understand that the Hogwarts castle itself does not merely bend to the will of whoever the Ministry says is headmistress. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. It's possible, but unlikely, that Harry didn't watch the Quidditch matches that didn't involve Gryffindor. When Albus sees Harry's name come out of the Goblet of Fire, there is cheering (albeit less enthusiastic cheering than for Cedric). She could also be referring to the same cat, but changing whether or not to use the honorific. In fanfictions, this was to ensure that Harry would attend Hogwarts weak and willing to trust and believe everything Dumbledore told him. So clearly, house-elves are not considered incompetent witnesses by the Wizengamot. Edit: I'm fucking cackling just reading the tags, oh my god. Bio irondad/spiderson. The Order of the Flaming Chicken have got nothing on professional soldiers. However, this might be related to the current school year, for which her record was actually clean. From then on she would be raised by dragons. But in this universe, Peter didn't. Hits: At the Battle for Earth, Peter Parker takes fate (and the Infinity Gauntlet) into his own hands. However, they knew that Scabbers was with them, and Harry already knows that the map shows animals, since among the characters he sees in the map when he first looks at it is. By that logic, in this and the next two chapters, the Ministry should have instantly noticed the Unforgiveable Curses being performed in close proximity to an underaged wizard. Self-harm, underage smoking, suicidal ideation/tendencies, eating disorders, bullying, discrimination, sexual assault/rape, and panic attacks. I will never forgive the avengers for doing this to me. "I'll check with . He's just not entirely prepared for the cost to his own body and mind. It is quite understandable, as Draco and Harry spend a lot of time together during their time at Hogwarts. It says "Ron crawled to the four-poster and collapsed onto it". You are my soulmate, my sweetheart, you are my dream come t. Completed. From Mr Weasley's conversation at the Leaky Cauldron, Sirius had known that Pettigrew was alive and hiding at Hogwarts for several days. Harry Potter | Romance Slave Draco Malfoy Love Hearts. It is possible that Sirius may have been referring to someone else, perhaps Harry or Voldemort. Alternatively, the PlayStation may have been released earlier in the Harry Potter universe, or Harry, due to his lack of interest in Muggle technology, might have confused the PlayStation with a similar console. . If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. Im reading it now and its amazing. The anger at Harry's existence mixed with Snape's jealousy would also come from the uncertainty of who was indeed the youngest Potter's father. However, by all logical accounts, the Third Task should have been visible to spectators. Draco would often go out of his way to get a rise out of Harry. I am still surprised that you lost your whole arm, how did it happen?" Harry told Hermione to calm down and tell him what's wrong. Hagrid tells Harry that "There's not a witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin." Had Crouch simply made a Portkey of his bedsheets or a schoolbook, Voldemort could have returned months sooner. The last time Harry Potter saw anything, it was a warm, sunny day in July. That night, Snape vowed to always protect the boy, as was his duty as Alpha. It is stated that Fudge visited Azkaban the night Sirius escaped, so he cannot have known about it for that long. On page 342 of the American version, there is a punctuation error when. While I take Sasha to HYDRA!" At the Battle for Earth, Peter Parker takes fate (and the Infinity Gauntlet) into his own hands. Yet Percy, Bill, and Charlie are able to find them right away after Apparating in the woods. Assuming that a) dead animals cannot be gloomy and b) the lesson requires a live animal to work, thus Harry killing his bullfrog would have been frowned upon by Flitwick and at the very least remarked upon in the book, the Summoning Charm appears to work completely fine on living objects. His laughter echoed throughout the prison. Harry jumped into the shower and let the warm water soothe his hurts. Katla placed an arm around Harry and moved him away from the person as Rashall said, "We have no need for yar moon sugar, woman. If James had been Quidditch Captain, he could have become Head Boy through that, as Quidditch Captains have equal status with prefects. Another possible explanation could be that both Bellatrix and Snape went around with the same type of people, some of whom may have overlapped depending on age. It is very unclear how much time goes by between certain events on. TW for self-harm and mental health challenges. However, dinner isn't always referred to as the 'last meal of the day' - in other books Harry, Ron and Hermione have headed to dinner as soon as afternoon lessons have finished. Other teachers, such as McGonagall or Flitwick, may know how to properly install a new headmaster, but they willingly withheld this information from Umbridge. When Voldemorts curse rebounded, a part of him was brought to life as a thirty-year-old Tom Riddle. The Muggle news reports an unusually large number of owls awake and flying around in the daytime. It later says that he had to ". At least twice in the U.S. audiobook edition, Hermione pronounces the abbreviation for the, In the book, classes begin the day after the. I said my farewells and Severus took me home where Bella said "your children are absolutely adorable! peter's leg is chopped off. Harry Potter was really the last person he would expect to be a vampire, let alone an Omega. Harry decides he wants to shave his face. Enjoy! However, towards the end of the book (in the penultimate chapter, The Parting Of The Ways), Cornelius Fudge says that he's always given Dumbledore free rein over what's taught at Hogwarts, with no interference from the Ministry. It is possible that J.K. Rowling was thinking of Tony Blair when writing this chapter, as he was PM at that time, in which case all these references would apply to him. However, given Crouch Snr's damaged state of mind, he could have just been rambling insanely. Half past eight (the time Harry goes down to the Quidditch pitch to learn about the Third Task) is described as night, and Harry is described as exiting the castle 'into the cloudy night'. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Couldn't Harry and Moody have simply walked together under the Invisibility Cloak a safe distance away from the Dursley's home (such as Mrs Figg's front yard) before undergoing side-along apparition? I am too tired to add things here so uh. The web page. However, that isn't entirely true, because she claimed to have gone looking for the troll in their first year and lost five points for it, plus she was caught out of bed the night that she and Harry sent Norbert to Charlie. There are ways of detecting people under an Invisibility Cloak, as evidenced by the Marauder's Map. (Or, the one where Harry says TTFN and takes himself off on an indefinite vacation and upsets a few very careful plans. They were still unable to use magic around Harry due to the Trace. 1 September 1994 was Sunday in the book but if 30 October 1994 was Friday, then 1 September would have to be Tuesday if you counted from that day to the 30 October. It is highly unlikely that the stands would be placed below the goal posts, as this would make watching the match very inconvenient. Since she was Muggle born, it would be a waste of time (not to mention rather condescending) to require her and other Muggle born witches and wizards to sit through two years worth of pointless classes just to be allowed to take the O.W.L. I woke up and got dressed ready for the day. Of course, as always, Malfoy has to ruin his plans. Im your aunt, not old.. Possible explanations include the fact that there were no Muggles present at the time, or that unlike Dobby, magic used by registered wizards does not activate the. If I have to do dodgy things like cast Unforgivables to prevent that from happening, well, this is war." She said in, One possible explanation is that McGonagall's earlier statement was a hyperbole. This is presumably a typo / grammatical error as the sentence doesn't make sense. fanfiction. Despite this being an established part of how house elf magic works, and one that Kreacher literally. Turns out, Harley was left alone when his mom and sister snapped.Peter and Harley grow close but can their budding romance survive one final battle against the Mad Titan? A hardcore Harry Potter fan ends up in the body of Severus Snape, the day before Harry arrives at Hogwarts. So it is unclear why Moody didn't simply lend some of his Polyjuice Potion to Sirius so he could exit the house every once in a while, and perhaps even go on missions for the Order, without anyone outside of the order recognising him. Details and discussion of transphobia including usage of deadnames and deliberate misgendering by other characters in later chapters. 81 Stories. This was fixed in later editions of the book. Maybe Professor Lupin didn't know that Moody has seen boggarts while he was teaching the lesson. For the Gryffindor House, at least, there had never been trials before. #hydra It's possible that Snape may have just been trying to be mean and make Harry worried about giving Gryffindor negative house points. It is amended in later editions. Obviously, Harry and Draco Only have a limited time together, as they reach the middle of the school year, trouble begans. Bio irondad/spiderson. The directive could have been a leftover from a previous administration, and the Ministry could have simply not been enforcing the directives. Harry said it was just a shadow on his arm and thankfully, Hermione had accepted that explanation and went back to her work. When Umbridge first puts Harry in detention she tells him to be in her office at 5:00. However, they also fall under Draco having a redemption arc, or even Hermione going dark herself. In fact, Sirius had already tried that method in the previous chapter, and it didn't work (see above for details). What We Lost by JacobApples. It is unclear why she couldn't simply use a. His aunt and uncle being abusive to him, then finding out he was a famous wizard at the mere age of 11 Going on to fight for good He never really had much of a childhood, until one person decides to throw everything aside to give him what he needs most. Hermione hides some hats under rubbish in the hopes that some house-elves will unwittingly pick them up and inadvertently free themselves. TW for blood, self-harm, swearing. When Peter sees his father-figure and mentor nearly make a decision that will surely kill him, like any reasonable person would, he stops it. Another possibility is that they didn't think it necessary to maintain their cover whilst in the presence of only the Muggle-borns, as it would have been fairly obvious they they were not who they appeared to be anyway. The. During the trip of Ministry of Magic with his friends, it was left out why there were no Order members there on watch duty, as in the beginning of the book, they mentioned about constantly being on watch duty, day and night. Frequently, they do this by feeding Harry and Hermione love potions, explaining his random attractionto Ginny Weasley inHarry Potter and the Half-Blood Princeand Hermione's emotional outbursts towards Ron. During Harrys talk with Sirius and Lupin in the fireplace, Lupin says that James was 15 years old at the time of what Harry saw in Snapes Pensieve. One possible explanation is that the Death Eaters may have deduced that, because Hermione was able to give the location to Yaxley, either she was the original secret-keeper (which is highly unlikely) or she is a second-generation secret-keeper, meaning the original secret-keeper was dead. He's actually been in hiding for twelve years (almost thirteen at the time that he says it), about the same amount of time since Black was imprisoned. This article has been viewed 71,842 times. Everyone is trying to put the pieces of their life back together, including Peter Parker. 122K 2.9K 21. Earlier, he sets up a portkey in mere seconds to teleport Harry, Hermione, and the Weasleys from his office into 12 Grimmauld Place. Earlier in the book, she takes only five Points from Hermione for her allegedly going to fight a mountain troll on her own. Another (albeit remote) possibility is that the later date was due to the Ministry's educational reforms. It is also possible that Dobby merely Apparated right outside Shell Cottage for the Secret Keeper. Then later the children's schoolhouse, the shop, and then a man. dracomalfoy. It was stated in a previous chapter that Harry's birthday, It is possible Charlie, while still at school, had left the Quidditch team a few years before actually leaving, The narrator says that if Gryffindor won the first Quidditch match, they would pull into second place for the. Which one is the bigger mistake, or if one actually justifies the other, is open to interpretation. It is possible that they might've borrowed a parent's wand. Usually, Molly, Ron, and Ginny are Dumbeldore's pawns in his plan to gain control of Harry's life. At the start of term feast, Dumbledore tells Quidditch hopefuls to put their names down for selection. Never mind the potential for underaged magic; the fact that the, If, as suggested with the mistake in Chapter 4, the Trace can only detect, Toward the end of the book when Voldemort puts the. However, it seems unlikely because Harry is usually shown to retain information from most of his classes. Harry stops to look at him. It features a mafia!Harry. Many things have changed in the Potter household. Sending an owl to deliver a letter, in the presence of two Muggles who did not know that wizards exist, ironically does far more to expose the existence of the wizarding world to Muggles than a spell that happened when those Muggles' backs were turned. Sirius Black, overtaken by the effects of every time the Cruciatus Curse has ever been used on him, is brought back right to the past by a mistake in identity. Discussion of disordered eating but more eating issues due to depression rather than an ED as such. MJ and Violet might also have Harry getting mad at them but they care about him and didn't mean to let him be harmed. However, this shouldn't work anyway. The British version specifically said curse; not murder. One possible explanation is that, much like. Well, Call Me Stumpy, 'Cause I Broke My Arm. During the meeting between Fudge, Dumbledore, and Moody, Fudge is mistakenly referred to as both "Crouch" and also as his first name, "Cornelius.". Good heart, soft but strong, unapologetic and honest. Another possibility is that Flitwick may not have known exactly what was placed under the Fidelius Charm. A possible explanation is that Sirius's imprisonment (for the alleged murder of Peter Pettigrew and several Muggles) and the investigation of the Potters' deaths and the disappearance of Voldemort were two separate cases. Malfoy does Petrificus Totalus on Harry and puts his invisibility cloak on him in the hopes that Harry will be sent back to London on the school train before anyone missed him. I want to have a Ravenclaw girl, maybe a daughter of Luna Lovegood, but Luna only has two sons, no daughters. Develop your characters. Harry Potter | Fantasy Romance Fanfiction Drarry Gay Harry Potter Fan Fic Harry Potter Fanfiction Gay Pregnancy . In the Bloomsbury edition, on page 17, Hagrid says ". Immediately before Harry receives Dumbledore's summons to accompany him on the, The end of the year is stated to have happened a few chapters later, in, The school year cannot have run into July, as Harry is stated to have been at. It is possible, though unlikely, that the name 'Marauder' was meant as a title for one who used the map. Either Dumbledore was wrong, the plans changed, or this is a mistake. Maybe some time away from the things that weigh him down will help the constant highs and lows hes been feeling for a while now. They went to the table to sit down and Draco asked me "God-mommy, why do you have a metal arm?". Barty Crouch Jnr says that the Ministry dictates that he is to teach only counter-curses to fourth-years, and not to actually show them any dark curses. He was elected when he came to power, his predecessor (i.e. On the following day, when Harry goes to detention, the book says that he went to dinner before then, which means that dinner at Hogwarts starts at least at half past four, which is unlikely. When it is shown that Dumbledore's office is on the 3rd floor of Hogwarts in the 2nd book (Chamber of Secrets/Chapter 12: The Polyjuice Potion), when Harry is taken there by Professor McGonagall. A student taking. Don't write too many stories at once, or you'll lose track and take too long to update. Although it is implied that the Head Boy and Girl are chosen from the prefects, it is never explicitly stated, so James could have been Head Boy without being a prefect. How do I upload it, and can I do so without an email address? Peter Parker has a metal arm and nobody from midtown knows. But when Professor Lupin comes in, it says "his eyes flickered over Ron, lying on the floor". On the US version of the cover, the front art is the night that Harry and Hermione save Sirius and, The cover of the Scholastic edition and British Bloomsbury edition both depict Harry and Hermione riding Buckbeak. English is not my native language. I told everyone and they all followed me which lead us to meeting HYDRA and us joining teams together. A film was theatrically released in November 2002. So it should have been impossible for Dobby to steal it. It is likely, however, that Hermione simply made a mistake. Rather than correcting this "error" in later editions, it could simply have been said that Hermione volunteered for the Muggle Studies O.W.L. He would only become a secret-keeper if the secret-keeper who reveals the secret to him (in this case, Hermione) actually dies. It is possible that the unidentified Gryffindor who told Harry this only meant that most of the Ravenclaws ride Cleansweep Sevens. The night after the Hippogriff's appeal, Remus Lupin is forced into a werewolf form by the full moon, which means that this happened on the night of 6 June, 1994. began at 11:00 pm, and Harry observed. Also, remember that the Ministry knew that it was specifically a Hovering Charm (as opposed to simply "magic") being performed. However, it is said that their camping spot was located right next to the main path, so Percy, Bill and Charlie may just have got lucky. Harry sighed as he laid on the floor, waiting for midnight, his birthday. However, sunset is a good deal later than that at that latitude and time of year (assuming Hogwarts is indeed near Dufftown, as claimed in. Hermione is afraid to return to 12 Grimmauld Place for fear that she had inadvertently given the location to Yaxley. Flitwick could have meant that figuratively rather than literally. When speculating how the visitors will be arriving, Ron suggests Apparition, saying that maybe under 17s in their countries are permitted to do it. When Harry is viewing Snape's memories, he witnesses a scene on Platform 9 between his mother and Aunt Petunia, in which Petunia tugs her hand out of Lily's grasp. 46 pages November 8, 2020 Delphini. Harry relapses in his self-harm and tries to hide it. (These ain't even half of my fav tags). They nodded and I gave them their pancakes. Hocus Pocus, Adele Polkiss by Ecmm. In canon, they never did and remained friends from their reunion to their deaths. Harry the Hufflepuff by BajaB. It's unclear how he would've known this, as Marietta is implied to have only told Umbridge that there was a meeting in the Room of Requirement with no further details. Published: 2015-10-17. 8. Also, Hermione reminds him that Apparition is impossible within the Hogwarts grounds, but there's still no reason why they couldn't Apparate to just outside the grounds and walk the rest of the way. However, it is revealed in Deathly Hallows that Mad-Eye Moody has a large supply of Polyjuice Potion on permanent standby in case of emergencies (Hermione borrowed some of that potion for their upcoming Horcrux hunting mission, since Moody obviously wouldn't need it anymore). If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. One of the most popular topics follows a "Marriage Law," featuringeveryone to receive a letter informing them that if they are currently not married or in a committed relationship, then they would be set up by a system and given the name of their spouse. After the events at the graveyard and another awful summer at the Dursley's, Harry feels like he's drowning. Again, this is highly unlikely, as Dumbledore states that he is ill. Before Harry and Hermione go back in time, it mentions that Buckbeak is tied to a tree. As it is, we don't know enough about how the spell works and its rules. Or down right cruel. And new friends, like Hermione Granger, and Professor McGonagall, and Professor Quirrell. As noted for the mistake from Chapter 20, the egg may have been enchanted to prevent summoning. This work could have adult content. Period-Typical Homophobia. The romantic pairing of Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger is a reasonably popular one amongst fans. While it may be assumed that the most senior player is chosen as Captain, it's never explicitly stated. Harry sighed as he laid on the floor '' this might be related to the Trace Points from for... Infinity Gauntlet ) into his own body and mind for them to looking! An ED as such a normal class ran that long, it was a! That Dobby merely Apparated right outside Shell Cottage for the Gryffindor house, at least, there be. 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