The hammer pounded all by itself. Empowering women to own land could be adopted as a long term strategy to promote planting of T. indica and other tree species for general environmental conservation. Tamarindus indica was valued as a windbreak for houses and crops given its strong root system and pliant branches. Approximately half of respondents had T. indica on their compounds or homegardens (53%). I feel them. But their fear left them completely frozen. Nobody sees them. Stop him at any price from carrying out his plan! Res Vet Science. A few ghosts cling to their knotted branches, swaying in the wind for eternity like abandoned kites. The dare of an idle young boy. Having an intricate IK has not translated into high rates of planting T. indica or other conservation practices. Hell never agree to turn around. Tamarind is a tropical fruit that's widely used in Southeast Asian and Caribbean cuisines. If it is not even colored or looks moldy throw it out and pick another. A huge one. UNDP Uganda Human Development Report 2007. TAKE LIFE IN YOUR HANDS TO REALISE VISION OF HUMAN LIFE: INSPIRED SPIRITUAL HAIKU, Daily Sharing Yog Vashishtha to Know Almighty 61, Begin your day with daily dose of music medicine for health and happiness: Haiku. Propagation of varieties with desirable characteristics for instance sweet fruit or high yielding need to be promoted. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine Interviews were conducted by trained interviewers fluent in the three major dialects of the study area viz Dhopadhola, Ateso and Lunyole. Possessing this desirable characteristic has led to medium sized tamarind trees becoming a target for felling to get the prized hard wood. Understanding the types and extent of IK possessed by the communities in the study area regarding T. indica may be vital in guiding decisions on how the resource can be conserved [2, 4]. [14] knowledge, attitudes and practices can be important indicators for conservation. The same is used for the fruit. Few plants will survive beneath a tamarind tree and there is a superstition that it is harmful to sleep or to tie a horse beneath one, probably because of the corrosive effect that fallen leaves have on fabrics in damp weather. And if there were any, theyd have shown up by now. Mal J Nutr. Respondents in Butaleja district did not report selling any tamarind product. Noss et al. Where are they? Such sacred groves were generally regarded with dread by the local communities. who report T. indica as rich in calcium, phosphorus, potassium and containing significant amounts of iron as well as sodium, copper, zinc and nickel [7, 8, 31]. As the temperature cools down, you can slow down your watering process. Efforts aimed at food security need to be aligned with environmental conservation to reinforce each other for effectiveness and maximum benefit to local communities. It's even an ingredient in Worcestershire sauce. The selective sparing of T. indica seedlings points to the high value attached to it compared to other tree species in the study area. Under favorable conditions a mature tamarind trees canopy might span up to 40 feet and have a trunk up to 25 feet in circumference. [31], the leaves are a fair source of vitamin C and -carotene and mineral content is high, particularly P, K, Ca and Mg. This cold surrounding me! He had only one thought: Hammer this damn nail and get back! Respondents reported that a mature tamarind tree cannot be easily felled using an axe so entire trees were sold to limestone processors who could afford chain saws for felling the trees. According to popular belief, both are home to spirits and ghosts. Google Scholar. He cried. Inside is a soft pulp around hard seeds. He was barely able to grab another to carry his weight and his fear. Restaurants. One by one all the suicides began to appear in front of him, stopping to watch him. Suddenly, dizziness seized him.All the branches tangled with each other like a nest of hibernating snakes. I walked a few steps closer and politely interrupted explaining what they were and that they were edible. The population possessed a high level of IK about T. indica evidenced by 18 categories of uses and multiple modes of use. Whatever you do, dont turn around!, Look! Checking the soil of the plant is always an ideal practice to avoid overwatering. Why this stupid bet? Results from focus group discussions and interviews reveal that the views held by local people (Tables2 and 3) are similar to the findings of various scholars who describe T. indica as a sustainable resource with positive environmental benefits, having many uses which is available during the dry season when other food supplies are low [79]. Figure1 shows the location of study sites. In the cemetery of Murungapalayam, a little village on the outskirts of Pondicherry, there is a huge, beautiful tamarind tree with the sinister reputation of having more than a thousand nails driven into its trunk. See a problem? Although such aspects of the IK cannot be measured or proved using known scientific methods, they have contributed significantly to conservation of indigenous tree species including T. indica. Warm breaths. 1996. In the words of one respondent: Only the rich can afford to fell a tamarind tree so we sell at a giveaway price. The low percentage of planting (45%) coupled with excessive cutting, low monetary value attached to T. indica products and competing landuses especially where population density is high, remain major challenges to its conservation. Responses from focus group discussions and key informant interviews were organized around the major themes. Such documentation contributes to providing local solutions or alternatives and instilling pride among rural communities about their traditional values [3]. He saw nothing. Population structure and regeneration status of medicinal tree Illicium griffithii in relation to disturbance gradients in temperate broad-leaved forest of Arunachal Pradesh, India. All the respondents mentioned that they made a popular beverage from T. indica fruit pulp (Table3). Havinga RM, Hartl A, Putscher J, Prehsler S, Buchmann C, Vogl CR. A violent emotion gripped him. Bolder thinking for conservation. Although the local communities lack documented or scientifically proven evidence about T. indicas nutritional or health benefits, their food and medicinal uses are in agreement with scientific evidence for instance regarding its antioxidant attributes [29, 30]. It has the sweetest fruit of all the three tamarind trees on our land. 2000. Manus courage shook his friends, left them motionless. Hell be killed. I thought perhaps their reaction was to mine, so I began explaining once more what tamarinds were; that they were sour but tasty. Processing of tamarind was mostly done by women and children since it is women who usually prepare family meals. Youth in rural areas were more interested in earning an income from tamarind products. . If I go, will the ghosts let me leave in peace?I never thought that climbing up a tree could be so hard. Dont turn around. Approximately half of the respondents had T. indica on their compounds or in homegardens (53%). Useful trees and shrubs for Uganda: identification, propagation and management for agricultural and pastoral communities. Bite down just after the first seed and pull away. Privacy Despite having lost all of its lower branches, it rises at the other end of the cemetery like an enormous scarecrow, braving the most terrible storms and most powerful bolts of lightning. Were afraidfor you. Technical handbook 10. Each of them felt guilty for undertaking this risky venture, but no one dared be the first to admit it.They kept walking. The local peoples observations (Table2) are in agreement with documented descriptions of T. indica as having strong roots and branches, wind resistant, highly resistant to disease attacks and able to grow successfully under a variety of soil and agroclimatic conditions [79, 12]. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. We should have never let him go. Data was processed using qualitative analytical methods. World Forest Series vol 12. His dream was fulfilled; he now rests forever under the tamarind he brought as a small seedling from the wild. 2008. [27] who report that T. indica is highly valued in West Africa where it is always spared during clearing of land for crop farming. Conserv Biol. Quantitative data were processed using MS Excel computer programme. Tamarind. Applying gentle pressure will cause the shell to crack. They were all moved by one wish. Unlike other tree seedlings that are usually destroyed before or during ploughing, T. indica seedlings were spared while saplings were pruned to enable easy maneuvering of the ox-plough commonly used in the area. Tamarindus indica has a high use value in the study area evidenced by multiple uses. Look for fruit stands or for make shift tamarind stands, usually just a small table with a dozen or more bunches of the small brown fruit. These nails are everywhere! An old branch cracked and fell. He prayed to his god and with a timid, trembling hand, touched the trunk. Google Scholar. 2005. Madison: University ofWisconsin Extension; 2003. Manu, look out! Dordrecht: Springer; 2012. p. 136. Gently remove the plant from the pot and cut dead or damaged roots. Government of Uganda. Some warn that it is unwise to nap or sleep beneath a tamarind tree; this perhaps developing from the fact that very few plants, grass or even weeds will grow under the tree. All T. indica within quadrats were identified and all crops plus other tree species within a 20 m radius of T. indica recorded. The majority of T. indica encountered (87%) was intercropped with other crops or trees. Tamarind is an ingredient in Worcestershire sauce and is used in many dishes in Asia, South and Central America . Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Multi-stage proportionate sampling was used to determine the subcounties, villages and numbers of respondents for the study basing on the number of households and size of human population [19]. Suddenly, at the last moment, his closest friend tried to dissuade him. Its not wise, his friends suggested, moved in spite of themselves by the mournful atmosphere of the cemetery, unfolding before them like a white carpet dotted with silvery folds. Tamarindus indica was used for food, medicinal, cultural, social, environmental amelioration and income generation purposes. Website. Ebifa E. Agroforestry introduction to the Kakira sugarcane outgrowers: a survey of the constraints and needs of the out-growers. 75 grams carbohydrates. Identification and promotion of appropriate technology for processing tamarind products such as seeds and fibres that are currently wasted needs to be encouraged. Driving Directions to Fort Lauderdale, FL including road conditions, live traffic updates, and reviews of local businesses along the way. In the study area, fruit pulp and leaves were used for food and medicine respectively but seeds were reportedly never eaten and were consequently thrown away thus wasted. Br Dent J. Let him come back safe and sound! If you pick one up from the ground make sure the shell is not cracked. Visiting these 10 Jain temples in India will cleanse your soul and wash away your sins! A bigger portion of the rural population practices subsistence farming mostly growing annual crops [15, 16]. Hes really climbing. Corrections? You can only plant for your children and grandchildren. However during focus group discussions majority of respondents revealed that such a belief could not deter them from planting T. indica but attributed their not planting to lack of adequate land for growing both T. indica and other crops. 1993; 22:2/3 Biodiversity: Ecology, Economics, Policy. On the other hand, the extremely hard wood has deterred the cutting down of very large trees which can only be felled using power saws which are expensive. [8, 27, 31] attest the potential of T. indica to boost nutrition, income generation and environmental conservation (Table5). Thus, in the past, the Tamils of the Jaffna peninsula always tried to locate their houses underneath such a tree. She is a PhD student at Makerere University. Firm the soil and water the plant thoroughly. The next day, they found Manus body on a branch, bent in two. Land and tree tenure arrangements that discourage women from planting T. indica need to be addressed. AM is a Professor and Dean of the School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Resources, College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity, Makerere University. Like the night of a full moon. Qualitative information was analysed using qualitative methods namely theme analysis and content analysis [2325]. According to Gadgil et al. Some African tribes venerate the tamarind tree as sacred. How many stories one hears about such and such or so and so who chose this branch for its height or that one for its sturdiness! A Tropical Fruit with Health Benefits, tamarind - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). [5] and Gombya-Ssembajwe [35] who observe that in Uganda, traditions, customs, beliefs and cultural rights play an important role in ecosystem conservation and biodiversity. Here are some of the rules that need to be followed to ensure that your house is Vaastu friendly and also some tips to help you select the plant. 2011;91(3):4225. Introduction: the growing importance of traditional forest-related knowledge. Proximate and mineral composition of Tamarindus indica Linn 1753 seeds. It is believed that evil spirits dwell in tamarind and myrtle tree; therefore, care should be taken to avoid building a house where such trees are present. Government of Uganda. His whole body started to tremble from the shock. Leaving already? Tamarind (Tamarindus indica L: Leguminosae), is an indigenous fruit tree of the tropics reported to be underutilised worldwide [7, 8]. Scrape the pulp off the seed with your teeth and spit the seed out. Bharucha Z, Pretty J. In their hearts they knew something horrible would happen. Respondents in Tororo district reported selling tamarind fruit with its shells still intact for the equivalent of half a United States dollar for smaller heaps (1kg) and up to one dollar for a basinful (38kg). But the preferred. Guidelines and good practices. Ill do it! he said in spite of the fear that was consuming him. Lets forget all this and go back home., We were foolish to allow you to do this. Fifty three percent of those who were growing T. indica did not carry out any silvicultural practices. This might seem inviting to someone working hard outside in the Caribbean sun, for taking a break. Ethnomedicinal uses for humans and ethnoveterinary uses had the lowest percent citations (13 and 15% respectively). In the U.S. Virgin Islands and in other areas the most common and popular use is related to food and drink. Im alone in this cemetery! Whats happening? Tamarind trees have stout trunks and spreading canopies . Tamarind trees also attract suicides. Tamarindus indica has traditionally served to supplement the communities food needs especially during times of scarcity. At the end of the path, the cemetery appeared immense like an ocean. This is in agreement with Bourou et al. His heart was beating hard. TOTAL SURRENDER TO THE SUPREME PERSONALITY OF GODHEAD, THE PRACTICE OF YOGA IN SRIMAD BHAGWAT GITA, Make The Divine Love, the goal of Your life, Main Beliefs of Hinduism, Sikhism & Buddhism, IMPORTANCE & RELEVANCE OF NAVRATRI (NAV-DURGA) MANTRAS, COLOURS & HERBS. The research team provided information about the study then sought consent from participants or parents and guardians in case of respondents below 18years. Hurry up! As he got closer to the tree, Manus shadow grew smaller and the tree climbed higher into the sky. Admitting youre afraid? Symptoms reported include diarrhea, cramps, nausea, fever, chills, and vomiting. The relevance of IK is further illustrated by the traditional practice of feeding tamarind fruit pulp to pregnant women and warriors to boost health and recovery. Thats it! , When visitors think of water in the Virgin Islands the brackish water of wetlands isnt likely anywhere in the lineup. Overflowing plates of fresh herbs and plenty of dipping sauces. Sixty households in total were selected for semi-structured interviews, a minimum of four and a maximum of nine households per subcounty. Fountain Publishers. And its arms stretched longer as he stared. 2011;26(1):14. All his blood froze. This article was most recently revised and updated by,, National Center for Biotechnology Information - PubMed Central - Tamarindus indica: Extent of explored potential, University of Florida - Environmental Horticulture - Tamarindus indica, Healthline - What Is Tamarind? Were begging you! Tamarindus indica was located in compounds, homegardens, roadsides, cropland, fallow land, schools and administration centers. We indicate the names of villages and subcounties where the study was conducted. Katende AB, Birnie A, Tengnas B. On that day, the nail will fall from the tree, freeing his soul from its ties to the world. statement and Selection for key informant interviews was based on being knowledgeable about tamarind production, use and trade and willingness to participate. His whole body was sweating. Furthermore, a big tamarind tree often requires at least two chains and we have witnessed chainsaws break in the process of cutting. Crops given its strong root system and pliant branches trees on our.. Content analysis [ 2325 ] tamarind production, use and trade and willingness to...., for taking a break interrupted explaining what they were edible it has the sweetest fruit of all suicides! Trunk up to 40 feet and have a trunk up to 40 feet and have a trunk to... 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