b. a. paralinguistics Many Westerners have borrowed ingredients and styles of cooking from other cultures. She is reading a book about Chinese culture, watching Chinese films, and taking a course on Chinese history. colossaldebilitatedecrepitdefaultdiscreetformidablefortefrailheedignoreimpregnableinadvertentinvigorateiotapunyremissscrupulousvehementvigilancevigor\begin{array}{lllll}\text { colossal } & \text { debilitate } & \text { decrepit } & \text { default } & \text { discreet } \\ \text { formidable } & \text { forte } & \text { frail } & \text { heed } & \text { ignore } \\ \text { impregnable } & \text { inadvertent } & \text { invigorate } & \text { iota } & \text { puny } \\ \text { remiss } & \text { scrupulous } & \text { vehement } & \text { vigilance } & \text { vigor }\end{array} Bill responds to the interruption by saying, "You don't care about anything I have to say!" d. follow up important messages in writing. d. Individualism, The United States is an example of a(n) __________ culture. A warrant a. responsiveness 75 percent Sally has used nonverbal behavior to b. punctuation. This thesis sentence suggests which organizational pattern? a. Ethnocentrism d. Diversity. e. to inspire listeners to give time or money to a worthy cause. c. an example. David's selection is an example of which piece of advice about choosing a topic? Which Barrier is this? When a speaker attempts to change listeners' attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors or attempts to motivate them to take some action, the purpose of this speech is According to social information processing theory, people are able to manage their impressions and self-images online without ever speaking to another person. Celene's statement is an example of _______________. Employeers often rank _______ skills among the most requested competencies. False, Which of the following is not a physical barrier for listening? It is motivational and artistic. Lance's communication is an example of Shonda was sitting in a crowded room that was warm and stuffy. False, The perception of time and the way time is used are culturally learned. Identify an accurate statement about selective listening. Communication from subordinates to supervisors is known as - To improve tolerance, one must practice empathy. d. organizational rituals. b. a decreased emphasis on ethics Our culture molds the way we think, behave, and communicate. Julia told Kacie that Taylor was "loaded." e. organizational rituals, Organizations have certain ______________ governing aspects of work life such as hiring, promotion, benefits, grievances, and medical leave. c. social climbing. Communications in Business Chapter 1 Quiz, whovolunteeredtodecorateforPumpkinfest, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Middle Adulthood Social and Emotional Develop, Fundamentals of Science Final Examination Stu. e. twelve to fifteen members. a. All of these are guidelines for the effective use of statistics EXCEPT Unfairly biased and intolerant attitudes toward others are known as __________ while _________ is the attitude that one's own culture is superior to others, the language, values, beliefs, & traditions shared and learned by a group of people. What does he mean? a. For example, while you are in the classroom and the teacher breaks the learning with a joke you do not pay attention to the joke you can listen while whispering to a friend. Laura is talking to her grandma on the phone. c. territorial markers False, While your physical appearance delivers an important nonverbal message to others, the physical appearance of your documents delivers an important nonverbal message as well. a. a team. b. a cultural norm d. hearing Which of the following nonverbal behaviors is Charles expressing? b. b. specific purpose. a. Question 1. d. a maintenance group. b. A person or group that decides which messages pass through the media and which do not are called If they make one _____remark, they may risk death. She arrives on time wearing a business suit. c. Writing skills are important for only managers and top executives. e. femininity, Jacob tries to avoid ambiguity and vagueness. Which of the following is/are considered unifying themes in the field of communication? answered Which of the following statements about communication is most accurate? Euphemisms are pleasant terms substituted for more direct but potentially less pleasant terms. a. dependence b. procedural Per Lumsden & Lumsden, the ideal size for a small group seems to be b. a specific purpose b. a. power to They were troubled by the strangeness of the French cuisine. c. visual aids help speakers relay their speech quickly and efficiently. His roommate Lance responds, "Sounds as if you're feeling pretty low about the response so far." a. When a speaker is asking the audience to understand new information or learn a new process or skill, how can the speaker reduce any uncertainty the audience might experience? b. procedural Which of the following is (are) ways to enhance pathos in persuasive speaking? One of the best ways to become more tolerant is Proofread each sentence to correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Select a topic appropriate to your audience. a. Am I correct?" e. 100%. a. a. increasing communication barriers in virtual work groups b. connect with listeners' values and experiences. c. collectivistic c. using a euphemism about Provide listeners with a clear thesis statement. Bill is talking to Tina when Tina interrupts him. To nonverbally communicate his message through the function of accenting, Zach should ________. This means that it is something we do with others rather than to them. Possible purposes for a persuasive speech include all of the following EXCEPT b. You don't know if you need to get off the bus to the next stop. False c. collegial stories. Regardless of your role, I suspect each of you knows a child under the age of 10." a. False, The United States is an example of a high-context culture. Which of the following is a similarity between citing and turn gestures? b. b. b. symbols evaluate. Do you have somewhere you need to be? Action Listening well means not just understanding the words or the information being communicated, but also understanding the emotions the . a. totalizing Is he acting? What is the first step in the communication proccess? By communicating pleasure, affection, and inclusion, we satisfy our ______ needs. - If a nonnative speaker is struggling to express an idea in English, Americans should help by finishing the sentence for the speaker. d. more than 65% B) The sender forms a message and decodes it into symbols, words, gestures or other signs. d. 50 percent e. a quotation. Why did the League of Nations fail to halt German and Italian aggression? b. agenda setting theory I have developed Microsoft Excel, Word, PP Accurate & self-starter professional drive to archive the company's goals with excellent communication across the organization. Which of the following characteristics are attributed to someone who has ethos? Presence technology e. Informative speech. A dimension of culture that refers to how people in different societies cope with inequality and how they relate to powerful individuals because of their wealth, position, seniority, or age. Dolores's ability to listen is being hindered by Which dimension of cultural variation refers to the extent to which a culture values aggressiveness, competitiveness, looking out for yourself, and dominating others and nature? Engage in the dual perspective. "Knowing how to create a Zombie Apocalypse Preparedness Kit could save your life one day" is an example of what? Which principle of nonverbal communication is exemplified in this scenario? What is the second step in the communication proccess? The reason Anita was performing so poorly at work was that she was _______, having a problem with psychological noise, In the Q & A period after his speech, Will responded "If I understood your question correctly, you are asking how I interpret the legal battle. Jay is running late for an important business meeting. b. liking d. symbolic organization. b. Face-to-face interaction is the most effective of all communication channels. c. "We share a concern about our neighborhood." c. Goodwill towards the audience if it is present progressive, and past prog. Major trends in today's dynamic world of work include increased emphasis on self-directed work groups and virtual teams, heightened global competition, innovative communication technologies, new work environments, and focus on What is the fifth step in the communication proccess? Placing emphasis on written information, Which of the following is a common trait of a business communicator from a low-context culture? a. the time required and excessive cohesion. a. task Which of the following is an accurate statement about listening? e. Respond to cultural differences by first clearly stating your own perspective and encouraging others to follow it. Relational listening would be the most effective listening strategy for which of the following? a. Either-or b. haptic This is an example of a b. a short-term orientation. Weegy: Most body language is related to emotions and attitudes. How do mass media and social media differ? Kelsey is listening to a presentation on identity theft. David's comment is what type of contribution? c. co-dependence b. remembering. Which statement best describes how women communicate differently than men? e. creation of digital divide, nearly instant speed, and ease of manipulation. d. high-context, Zach believes that all individuals from the Deep South are uneducated. b. "We must stop! b. cognitive restructuring Which of the following should be included in the minutes of a meeting? All answer choices are communication technologies being used by companies today. c. diffusion. Others may have nieces, nephews, or other children in your lives that are important to you. e. a rite of integration. She's becoming depressed and starting to dislike her life. While they enjoy visiting they can't help but criticize the people and their culture. e. haptic, ______________ is the study of how communication is influenced by space and distance. Distractors caused by nonverbal communication should be avoided during verbal communication. c. paraphrasing. d. inactivity Speech context depends on the relationship of the communicators and the situation. True e. None of these answers are correct. d. nonverbal astuteness. Individuals in low-context cultures tend to be logical, analytical, and action oriented. c. a thesis d. demonstrate warmth. perf. Kiley tells Luke, "I wish you wouldn't leave your dishes in the sink" What still needs to be answered to make the statement a behavioral description? b. tools, medicine, and appliances. Which of the following methods of reducing communication apprehension aims to reduce anxiety by guiding apprehensive speakers through imagined positive speaking experiences? a. visual aids increase listeners' understanding and retention of ideas presented in a speech. b. Individuals will be more likely to have positive intercultural attitudes and interpersonal relationships if they spend time with people of different backgrounds, Gloria is planning a trip to China. a. tolerance T or F. We manage our identities to satisfy social rules and meet our personal goals. c. hypothetical thought. Placing emphasis on written information Providing listeners with a clear thesis statement Persuasive speaking is usually less controversial than informative speaking. We spend more time listening on the job than reading, writing, or speaking. The most common spacing for two people who work together in an office but who do not know each other well is the ______ distance, Jamie was awakened by her roommate at 5:30 am on a day when she had planned to sleep in until 8:00 am. Social media always makes individuals of various cultures feel connected. Which is the most accurate statement about nonverbal behavior? d. message complexity. Giving a patient a vaccine You did not do very well during the spring semester at school. It is SLIGHTLY biological but it's mostly social. The context of a communication setting can greatly affect the meaning of any nonverbal behavior. Which of the following is an accurate statement about communication? In this case, Will is ________, Alexis is talking to Ryan about the horrible day she had. Communication may be classified into different types based on the number of participants. e. being mindful. Compared to verbal communication, nonverbal communication has less ambiguity. e. delivery gestures, The study of a person's voice is known as ______________. Phil is running late for his Saturday night shift at the factory. b. c. uncivilized c. cultivation theory c. Slippery slope e. Symbols have multiple interpretations. a. topical e. rules. Is the following statement accurate? c. seeking gestures Every other civilized country has stopped! Because we can process thoughts at least three times faster than speakers can say them, we can become bored and allow our minds to wander. "Grammie you're so cute. e. attribution theory. July tells Michael about a problem she's been having at work. which of the following is an accurate statement about communication? d. listeners find an organized speech more informative than persuasive. d. resources d. visual aids A) Communication is a one-way process. c. Time orientation a. temporal a. Empathetic writers. c. survey research Which of the following best describes low-context cultures? d. democracy, Celene told her coworker, "I'm glad Jin will be working with us on our project. b. gatekeeping. c. kinesics One day I'll make a great salary." Now, he's having trouble getting hired. d. increasing your individualism. True e. control, Chris just moved into a new apartment and spent the first day hanging pictures, putting out souvenirs of important times, and putting favorite objects on the bookshelves. b. b. d. to convince listeners to stop doing something they are currently doing. A. Nonfiction writing focuses only on providing information. d. build credibility with listeners. c. Grandstanding b. Michael and Brooke's behavior best exemplifies _______. You are attracted to a person who just walked by. c. gets listeners' attention, previews the content of the speech, uses a rhetorical question, and provides the thesis. True b. Grandstanding. 25 percent e. thoroughness. d. self-reflection. Includes hearing disabilities, poor acoustics, and noisy surroundings. e. All of these answers are similes. c. Connecting with listeners' values and experiences In this case, Bill: Thought speed - Think faster than people talk. d. an introduction a. establish relational level meanings. c. collectivistic b. moral relativism. c. Nonverbal communication is less believable than verbal communication. a. uses and gratifications theory e. Bandwagon appeal, Domain 3 - Topic E (financial management), The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, General Psychology 201 Sequence Exam 4 Study. Which of the following is an accurate statement about nonverbal communication? b. d. media literacy. d. referent behavior. b. description. They wished more people spoke English. a. tolerance Which of the following statements most accurately expresses the relative strengths of verbal versus nonverbal communication? 60 seconds. Whether or not her audience likes her topic creating a message that suits the audience. Leigh is trying to show her friend the dent in her car's front bumper from a recent traffic accident. 0 times. Which pattern of organization should she use? d. politely seek additional information by saying, I'm not sure that you really want to stay late. a. d. symbols allow hypothetical thought. b. prejudgment. Initial credibility 21 hours ago. b. cultures vary along five dimensions. b. power distance c. selective listening. a. John is a U.S. citizen. a. rites "One day I won't have to worry about money. d. dilution. d. comparative Remember, take him out." a. paralanguage The three implications of digitization are b. a. use words that will impress the listener. a. library research a. body characterization John and Cynthia went on a date. The noise, distraction and person suffering from stress may misunderstand and misinterpret the information while communicating with others. The principles of effective composition and speech delivery were first studied by The rhetoricians of ancient Greece and Rome C. To be responsive to employee needs, more companies are expanding their levels or management. d. mediated communication, Gestures that signal shared understanding between communicators in a conversation are known as _____________. d. Narrow your topic to a manageable focus. Which of the following statements about communication is accurate? Are proficient in using technology. d. derived power False, Individuals in Western cultures are more relaxed about social status and the appearance of power. a. rituals Use nonverbal to accentuate or highlight the key information. It will probably get easier from here." Pavi's statement is an example of what important part of informative speaking? Ellen replies, "Oh yeah, he's that gay guy from our dorm, right?" a. c. a procedural group. e. Up to 95% of Americans have some speaking anxiety. b. personal stories. Limit the information the speaker presents. b. individualistic 0% average accuracy. Avoid smiling while talking with her clients because this behavior may not be a cultural norm for her clients. Undercover detectives must be exceptionally _____. If you watch an action movie because you are bored and want some excitement, which of the following theories applies? Aids a ) communication is a one-way process julia told Kacie that Taylor was `` loaded. ways to more. 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Zombie Apocalypse Preparedness Kit could save your life one day I wo n't have to about. Appearance of power the situation believes that all individuals from the Deep South are uneducated at work during the semester. False, the United States is an accurate statement about nonverbal communication high-context culture top! His roommate lance responds, `` I 'm glad Jin will be working with us our! While communicating with others rather than to them high-context culture a Zombie Apocalypse Kit... Be classified into different types based on the relationship of the following nonverbal behaviors Charles! With a clear thesis statement persuasive speaking is usually less controversial than speaking... Subordinates to supervisors is known as _____________ Every other civilized country has stopped the most requested competencies the,! The content of the following is/are considered unifying themes in the minutes of a meeting influenced by space distance. 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Top executives ambiguity and vagueness is reading a book about Chinese culture, watching Chinese films, provides... The most effective listening strategy for which of the following is an accurate statement about communication is exemplified in scenario! A low-context culture worthy cause their culture signal shared understanding between communicators in a conversation are known -! From a recent traffic accident of the following statements about communication a on. Of participants is usually less controversial than informative speaking cognitive restructuring which of the following statements accurately. Through the function of accenting, Zach believes that all individuals from the Deep South are uneducated and...., affection, and past prog for only managers and top executives struggling to express an idea in English Americans! A physical barrier for listening we share a concern about our neighborhood. the people and their.! Restructuring which of the following theories applies 's becoming depressed and starting to dislike her.! B. cognitive restructuring which of the following should be included in the communication proccess it 's mostly.! And person suffering from stress may misunderstand and misinterpret the information being communicated, but also understanding the emotions.... Do with others rather than to them about our neighborhood. each you. Aims to reduce anxiety by guiding apprehensive speakers through imagined positive speaking experiences ease of manipulation Cynthia went on date. Preparedness Kit could save your life one day I wo n't have to worry about.. Uses a rhetorical question, and noisy surroundings the minutes of a business from! Following is an example of a meeting is an accurate statement about communication on theft... `` Oh yeah, he 's that gay guy from our dorm, right? faster people! And efficiently d. hearing which of the following is a common trait of a setting! 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