But past efforts will still be rewarded. Contact with Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are felt over longer periods. Im gonna have that bitch for 20 years transiting I also have Saturn, but this one is faster, until 2021 will be there. Checked out this site to review the comments of others on Saturn transiting the fourth, since tr. Saturn conjunct Pluto is our aspect for today, so let us tell something more about this ambiguous aspect. I just thought it would be good to experience on-campus living for at least a year, but I decided it wasnt worth the money to do so in the remaining years. Thank you Elsa and keep up the good work. Plowed through my IC and totally destroyed the foundation of my life. I have an unexpected mercury in the 3rd house with a Gemini ascendent! Booooo I am afraid I am sunk. I live in a beautiful yet small 350 sq ft studio underneath my landlords who are nice but loud and it is too small, the ceiling too low. You are reaping the reward of at least 7 and possibly 14 years of striving. transit saturn conjunct IC. January 9, 2019 at 10:52 pm . In retrospect 2008 was a career peak. My 10year journey of death and rebirth continues. Major domestic changes, several relocation abroad, new homes, transformational emotional experiences which were really tough.In my case, my life changed 100 per cent. Now I am getting my Saturn square Pluto natal aspect in looking at Saturn transiting the IC opposing natal pluto on the midheaven. Happy New Year 2023 filled with blessings to everyone! Saturn in 4 has moved over my progressed Sun/Mars in the 4th and I have been diagnosed with osteoporosis. Actually, alongside the process (lifetime) my prevalent thought is that I feel some deep questioning as to WHY these transforming processes come so late in life! Its worth to mention that capricorn is intercepted in my natal chart, so Saturn plays out with less strengh I guess. Sent 5 times a week. Celine Dion 006, Bernadette Peters 008, Emily Dickson 009, Cecilia Bartoli 012, Gene Wilder 014, Uri Geller 015, Jennifer Gibbons 038, Athol Rusden 039, Madeleine of Scotland 058, John Hurt 102, Elizabeth II 107, Paddy Ashdown 130, Lord Byron 131, Mary MacArthur 146, Oliver Stone 151, Karen Silkwood 154, June Gibbons 156, Rudy Giuliani 236, Jeane Dixon 239, John Frawley 249. Someone with Capricorn on the cusp of the 8th house may have some kind of despondency or sadness associated with their death this could indicate greater. We (4H) moved (Mars) for better schools (Gemini) for the kids and we hosted lots of school-related parties. Now, the youngest is 33 and lives in another state, and the eldest is taking his wife and children and moving from California to Nova Scotia (where his wifes parents live), and my heart is breaking. Im currently laying low for a bit (the duration of the transit?) It was the most challenging time of my life. Also welcome Jamies input. Im in the investigative stage right now about what to do about the osteoporosis. Too many things going on and all bad. I have 25 Sagittarius on IC. Quite the position for a queen to haveLOL! Eventually leo tenth cusp ruled by sun on I c will be end of the matter and this house will be a showpiece. Aries moon a pioneering sign that is not afraid to go solo. So pleased that you see the positives that come from Saturn crossing your IC. It was not at all planned, but the stage was set and I walked right in. The 2020 debunking by Saturn-Uranus square was a second move in a wrong direction. Like I said mines in Taurus, But I never understood that placement. I hope I can get everything fixed and sold SOON. Perhaps my expectations as to whats going to happen, are mistaken. I have Saturn conjunct South node in Cancer, both 3. Even with achievement and success, this aspect can bring criticism from your parents and the public as well as notoriety. Required fields are marked *. I am aqua. Posts: 858 I wonder where hers lies. Major milestones and some really difficult experiences. This conjunction is not easy to deal with. I was little then but the impact of it has rippled on for decades. The most important part of the transit takes place when Uranus passes over the I.C, which indicates that an inner breakthrough is required. I lived in the dorms my first year of college. The transiting South Node was on my IC in Capricorn, sun the ruler of my North Node was at 0degrees of Aquarius. During their stay in the hospital, they began to believe that it was necessary for one of them to die, and after much discussion, Jennifer agreed to be the sacrifice. BUT, for the first 8 months of my Prog moon in the 4th I watched TONS of WW2 documentary and I was crying all the time watching them! Its like the planet is free to wander about the wheel, and the native is free to express the entire SCOPE of the planet due to its lack of binding aspects to other planets. I was chastised by my dad for not making more money to afford the dinner. Divine timing . Just had Saturn transit 4th, pluto conjunct my natal moon last month and now Pluto is squaring my sun, a few years ago the Taurus opposing my sun, Venus, Mars was rough! Avoid procrastination if you know that something needs doing. I moved in with my husband and 3 year old son, leaving my eldest son who was about to graduate high school, living with his father about an hour away. Yes, youre right, very hard to see anything positive sometimes. Pluto will reach my Moon in a few years. They may be orphaned or unwelcome in their family. haha sure, but anyway Ive never stepped into so many psychos haha I hope is only a period of time and then back to normal, one or two a day, no more than 10 haha. However, the meaning will be the same. And the rest is history. New moon in Scorpio on 7 November would orbit to become a full moon in Gemini on 22 November. Reply. I know, its horrible, the older one gets, the clearer one sees. Now Im too tired and old to get the most out of it. I am now selling because it is too large for me with my Mom passing this year and my kids moving on. gillian. When transit Saturn is conjunct your natal midheaven, you will live through the most important consequences of your preparation of the last many years. What a year 2004/05 Im having NN return again in 2022. Second Saturn transit to IC was at age 40. Saturn in my 4th house had a lot of ups and downs. So, bad with the good. Not much, well as a 29 years old I started University atlast! In retrospect, I think he felt betrayed. Out of the blue I received a phone call that my uncle had died. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! I just switched from sidereal to tropical. After hanging up the phone, my hand immediately picked the phone up again and dialed back. Now Im homeschooling my children which is pretty crazy and not something I ever would have expected. Saturn transits the 1st house: I left home my beloved community by the beach, to get a new house in a more affordable neighborhood in the dry and dusty suburbs that would accommodate my younger sons needs. How do you find your mercury affecting you? Ask me me@astrolada.com. Hit me like a ton of bricks. There is oppositionVenus and Jupiter in cancer. I do have Neptune three degrees ahead of Saturn so perhaps Neptune has led the way. Right now a fresh writing is on the wall and it reads: Im on the right Saturnian track. I have Saturn transit MC and starting the square to my stellium in Libra with Pluto, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Uranus and Lilith. The native shone in his early home. Even though Saturn is far away from the nadir now, Im having chiron in the 1H in my 2022 solar return its an ongoing story of having to fend off for myself despite the wound (i still cant pay for a house and feel not at home) and the necessity of letting go and letting god. This even applies even to the simplest of things like making an important phone call or paying a bill. Im hoping the Universe will deliver an in-your-face answer. I am 50, so it is the second time in my life. This configuration coupled with the Saturn square forced me to adopt the cold detachment of Aquarius while remaining aloof refusing to connect or reconnect with psychos and socios i should have no contact with or get attached to, and do this without fear of anything, because planets are on my side. They both have many tight aspects to other planets in my chart. I cant rebuild new Saturn structures on which my Asc will stand, only to repeat the same. When Saturn conjuncts your Midheaven it's also forming an opposition to the IC which means the foundation you built around 14 years ago, when Saturn entered your 4th house, will come under . I have natally Sun conjunct Saturn and Moon opposite. Tell us when and whats happening. Saturn conjunct my IC was in my 3rd housethat was a pretty good time, in retrospect. At the time Uranus was conjunct my natal Saturn in Taurus. Parent and work are both issues on my scope now!. i have natal Saturn in Aquarius conjunct IC in a tight 1 degree orb. And, your comment illustrated how,if youre ready to listen to what the Universe is saying, you can see Saturns gifts. Its a been a lot of hard work since finding astrology, I took myself back to school of self teaching. Unlike the most popular interpretation of an unaspected planet is that due to a lack of aspects it lacks expression in the person. You will have some important duties and responsibilities to attend to which may involve one of your parents. Ive had most hard transits hit me in my 40s ! It was a bittersweet time, from which I have never totally recovered, and I felt my eldest was fine, spending a lot of his time socializing and studying and being independent. Maybe Saturn has got something to say in that too, while hurting my luminaries. Take Care, Lou, and be blessed. Interesting. [The tragedy of a double life]. It means hard work and responsibility are your karmic destiny. I read that for most people this transit means a period of isolation, depression and loneliness. I dont know what my Saturn-IC transit has in store for me, what I know is that Im moving forward. It crossed over my asc last month. I have natal Saturn conjunct my IC in the 5th house (whole sign house system) I'm pretty apprehensive about a future Pluto transit to my IC. Yet if you research those with true unaspected planets, you find, like the Queen example, the person has the opportunity to become the epitome of that planet and it can rule their life hardly unexpressed!! But what about transiting Saturn conjunct IC? Lily. Definitely NOT. In my case it seems that the physical moves and the angst around moving homes/locations preceded the conjunction. Because you have such vague notions streaming through your mind, it will likely take you some time to create or locate the proper venues to shape and bring them to life. Registered: Feb 2010. and IC in Pisces conjunct Venus and Saturn both in 4th house. I have been following your insights for quite a while! A Plutonian Imagination. I am more than halfway through & ok but definitely transformed & it has become the pathway to my new vocation moving forward. Im having some problems now (renting is expensive where I live, cant afford to buy, my father is unhealthy. Ohhh that would be a depth and expansive communicational mind! How apropo for my natal Pluto square Saturn setup. It was the beginning of a new phase of our family and, fortunately, light as my 4H is 27* Taurus with lots of Gemini and a Gemini Mars. Saturn rolled me over with the co vid restricting all wat l stated but now Pluto on the March but slowly, My partners money is an issue as hes selling ( mercury) shares in his company but with Saturn on sun mercury conjunct straddling I c and gem on 8 th cusp the Mars retro has made things unable to reach culmination. Pholus Conjunct the Descendant Pholus conjunct the Descendant natives may be attracted to people who shake up her world. They are good examples of why not to use traditional or horoscopic astrology rules. Both malefics. I was lonely. Diana. I was hoping I was going to move with my Prog Moon in the 4th but it was basically turning me into a hermit, isolating myself, depression and making myself go to therapy to deal with my past (which that's what the 4th is all about too). Its not that I started to like it after all that turmoil its just that I got tired of all those struggles to change something as it feels like it is a never ending story. You're sensitive to all parameters of leadership now. In addition to this, the M.C. Id like to do it sooner, but for financial reasons I need to wait till 2020 or so. When the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of early 1980s hit my IC, it completely unraveled my family. One would not really want Pholus here because it may indicate a volatile early home. Posts: 215 From: Registered: Dec 2016: posted June 15, 2017 04:10 PM . thus opposite saturn so it was all very painful in both fronts. And then I decided what will be will be and stopped trying to control it. Skyrocketing cost of living is steering my way sociopaths (total strangers with hidden agendas, hit hard by the PlutoSaturn conjunction austerity measures) who think im going to be part of their Uranus in Taurus triggered changes and adjustments regarding their finances and accommodation. I will look into that for you Helen. I feel the resolution of my housing situation and the prospective house move are key to my getting handle on how best to move forward with the rest of my life. All was new, and although i managed to maintain the job I could not find a place I could pay for and call home and problems arised and followed me every time i moved. In my case, I feel it was an inward change. Glad that is all over! Just little fixes and sellbut where do I go? I have no idea if I manage yo change something during these 3 months of the transit that are left, but what is really sad that I dont feel I can and want to change the current situation. I wondered as a child why everyone hides their emotional selves. P.S. Detachment and non attachment are great tools in life. Now I have Saturn hitting the fourth in my solar chart along with Pluto and the home I need to sell needs lots of work. It is possible that circumstances will occur that force a major review of your goals and where you are heading with your career. Homesickness certainly fits. Its not like things were perfect after that, but I had a certain inner contentment after Saturn left my 4th house, that I didnt have before or during for the most part. When Saturn transits the nadir you may want to go home. 8th house death and rebirth is not easy. Saturn conjunct north node transit is a lesson to be learned for several months. And since Saturn is a slow moving planet, changes and effects these aspects bring lingers a long time. He will be crossing for the first time end of January 2019. Im very sensitive and much more aware of power control and those that I allowed to have it over me. Saturn Conjunct Natal Midheaven This transit means important life and career achievements and recognition. Your email address will not be published. Saturn's movement by transit through the houses acts to aid us to learn to depend on ourselves in different areas of life. My life was forever changed. Full Moon in Virgo: March 7, 2023 Mutable T-Square Distractions, Pluto Transit MC vs Pluto Transit Ascendant, Sign up to be notified when the blog updates. With Chiron conjunct the Ascendant, it can show someone who is often very self conscious, feeling like an exposed nerve most of the time. If that eclipse at 0 of Cancer so close to the NN, square my natal NN, counted for something, the full moons in Capricorn and Aquarius have to count for something. Pluto square sun-what house is your sun. does that mmean that there will be more sense of resposibility? I discovered a lot. This Saturn transit is good to me. At best, it could mean retirement since Im of that age; maybe a move. It has been suggested using the methods above that a malefic, ie Mars, Saturn (or a difficult outer planet like Neptune and Pluto) on the angles, augurs a difficult year ahead. Saturn on my IC and moving through the 4th seems to represent the passing of my mother, the re-location of my son and grandchildren,and the disintegration of my inner skeletal structure, in addition to a renovation or moving of my home. This is tough but getting through it will strengthen them and the positive effects will be long-lasting. The link/sextile to my North Node and the trine to South Node-Jupiter conjunction highlighted the significance of my IC. Saturn conjunct the south node in synastry can indicate that you have to overcome some challenges together. I'm in the last 4 months of my prog Moon in the 4th which I have gone back into complete hermit mode/just focusing on healing (which I have heard that when the prog Moon or a transit planet are months/degrees from leaving a house there is an extra does of that house energy so that whatever needed to be learned/completed get pushed forward). I've been back in Brazil for just over 3 weeks and much has happened already, or has it not?! April 10, 2018 at 9:38 pm. the girls had a longstanding agreement that if one died, the other must begin to speak and live a normal life. Is it normal to feel homesick with Saturn approaching the nadir? Homesickness certainly fits. Thirty years ago ( 1990-1993) l was also doing total renovations wen partner unfaithful and l chucked him out . I searched. Any help from jupiter or venus? Another person may lose their home or be forced to downscale when theyd rather not. If all the worked out in the end!!! This is not surprising seeing as my natal Pluto, which squares my natal Venus, sits in Libra the sign that rules marriage and all partner relationships. It feels as if I went through hell with hope to get to something better on the other side, but ended up up in the same place where it all started. Greetings to all and best wishes for 2023. I recommend you examine Saturn sun people Look at celebrities with it Read about it I have Saturn square the sun with moon scorpio and Saturn conjunct the moon. Interesting, I admire how well you remember your dreams! People will come to you for advice and you may be a teacher or mentor. Read more to see how Saturn affects you as it transits your natal houses. A work in progress. Right, a blessing in disguise? Posts: 1412From: the outskirts of DelphiRegistered: Dec 2017, Posts: 4791From: N. AmericaRegistered: Nov 2010, Posts: 408From: CanadaRegistered: Aug 2013, my ex and i broke up after almost 15 years, which was for the best, and i sobered up a good deal (been high this past month admittedly though, just weed but) and some pretty terrible stuff happened too but i won't get into that, it wasnt all bad, was life changing, no physical move but home drastically changed, Copyright 2020 Mine is unsuspected as well. Ive heared saturn has entered capricorn in 2018 and will be there for the next three years. Pluto square my sun, Venus and mars has been a test of freedom for me. Then I inherited from her. Ill be having it conjunct Pluto :'(. Evolution is a hard and long journey psychos and socios know that thats why they resist it while expecting to reap the benefits. She is 92 now i think and STILL doing her duty, what an inspiration. The issues before me at this present time are contaminated water via the defense force RAAF base near my home & a compensation case I am involved with because of it. By the way,I have Pluto just finishing its 4th house transit. They need powers beyond Pluto, well beyond that which is visible to humans. Angular planets refer to the four corners of the chart, and planets that are conjunct these points are said to exercise a particularly strong influence over the horoscope. Sponsored by PureCare Knee Protector Why are knee surgeons excited about this breakthrough knee strap? Best everyone! Saturn conjunct Midheaven transit is a time of culmination in your career or long-term goal. Well, Neptune also started opposing my Sun recently, so I guess that contributes a lot as I have no idea who I am anymore and this affects nearly everything. It has been one of the most difficult periods in my life. But the past 1 1/2 years have been unsettling as parts of my life I had counted on suddenly vanished. While the call from the hospital was unexpected, her passing was not a surprise to someone who has a lot of astrological backgroundcoupled with the fact that she was 94. Its a lifetime process. Can you tell something about? Definitely not a Uranian, Im already Uranian with Marsian traits, two Uranian heads arent going to help each other. This is not necessarily a negative thing for you but some expectations could be involved here. My IC is at 19Sag07. Theyre stressed. Also very recently, a coming to light of the prospect of a government compulsory land aquisition of between 5ooo & 10 000 hectares of my & surrounding rural suburbs. Venus is square Jupiter natally, and this one trines Mars. 26 people love it! At first, we generally encounter feelings of being thwarted or unsupported by the outside world in the particular areas of life that are ruled by the house. Saturn has also brought a lot of fight with authorities so I guess Pluto wont be that different. I had left a dysfunctional home/family life and moved to the capital to work in the beginning of that year. Heavy is the head that wears the crown, of any sort. My mother passed as Saturn entered my 4th house. She was taken to the hospital where she died soon after of an acute heart condition. Gid, don,t think I can survive that. Now, I no longer hope to find love because I have it. Saturn Transit Conjunct The Ascendant January 7, 2019 Elsa "You're being unnecessarily hard on yourself. Pluto in my 4th has been, to say the least, a revelation, forcing me to take off some rose colored glasses. Its probably on line somewhere. why is there no saturn sextile midheaven on this website? I guess, Im no longer that bothered about transits.. A recipe for distaster as far as I'm concerned. But luckily neither I nor she is the type that holds on to groudges! I knew nobody where I lived and was very lonely. It wasnt until 15 years later while taking care of my mom as all my siblings were carrying on some kind of war with each other, that one of them blurted out the big lie as an attack on the one. Nice aspects Sextile moon in Taurus, 0 orb Trine Venus in Scorpio 1 orb Tricky aspects Square Mercury and Pluto in Libra, 0 orb Inconjunct Neptune in Sag, Jupiter in Aquarius, making a Yod The sextile with the Moon is the base point of another Yod with Neptune st the apex. Stressful times but we made it through. Sharing is interesting and can help. The first involved me driving a plastic preschooler car to meet my parents for my mothers birthday dinner, she decided to go to an expensive restaurant and I was expected to pay for it. As it is doing this it is squaring my sun, about to square my natal Saturn, moon and north node. I see, since a conjunction to your IC means an opposition to your MC how was your public persona and or career affected? . Whatever ends needs to go! I bought a home amd closed on the day the conjuction was exact. They may feel a lack of nurturing or just plain lonely. Saturn Transits to Personal Planets: Conjunctions Saturn's influence is direct and personal when it transits conjunct a personal planet. and my husband almost didnt get his green card for the government. This is not necessarily a negative thing for you but some expectations could be involved here. Topic: Transit Saturn conjunct IC: NinaAria Knowflake . Saturn transit my fourth was all about my family and we were cramped where we lived, not enough space in the house for all of us and all of our things. wow. I still live at home with my parents, since Im single, have no job and its nearly impossible finding rent houses in Stockholm! My family had moved cities 5 months before. Jennifer and June Gibbons were identical twins born with this aspect at 038 and 156 respectively. This has been hands down the hardest year of my life, and Saturn is only approaching my IC. Juno must give me a good not so Saturnian/Capricornian husband. It is common for a substantial life shift to be indicated when an outer planet travels through this house. House at the time had no roof, and no heating in new bedroom extension. Thanks for sharing the quote: It is at the base point of the horoscope, this dark place, that the treasure is guarded by the dragon. C will be crossing for the kids and we hosted lots of school-related parties: 2016. Hard work and responsibility are your karmic destiny as it transits your natal houses one not! An outer planet travels through this house natally, and this one trines Mars unlike the most popular of... Achievements and recognition the positives that come from Saturn crossing your IC ( 1990-1993 ) l also! Do it sooner, but I never understood that placement significance of IC. She is the type that holds on to groudges me to take some! 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