The Great Tribulation does not begin until after the Warning (Illumination of Conscience) has happened to mankind. Caught on Video Three Spectacular Miracle of the Sun at Medjugorje and Holy Love Ministries (Maranatha Spring and Shrine), Information and Instructions - How To Do A Ghost Release - By a soul - MaryRefugeOfSouls, Are you looking for deeper intimacy with God, divine healing, and inner peace? I was telling Jesus in prayer last night, how can He have so much patience with all of usall of us mankind? So, it is very easy to conclude that after the Great Warning, that the antichrist, and other minions of satan, such as the elite globalists/masonic forces, and Islamic terrorists, will be seeking the ultimate demise of the site of Medjugorje, because of what Medjugorje will come to represent to the worldthe source of reconciliation between mankind and Godafter the Warning happens. I can not say anything because even a word would reveal the secret before it's time to do it.". They have not fully developed their discernment of spirits, along with the virtues of patience and prudence in Gods Timing. When the Truth of My Existence is revealed then conversion will be widespread. My prayer will be fulfilled, that all would be one as the Father and I are one. He cannot send Me again to die. However, the reality of Gods Fires is a little more complex to understand. He will stir hearts. Relax now, My children. Then, as an universal seal of approval, God confirmed ALL the words and prophecies given by the Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima, Portugal, as worthy of belief. The people who have the hard copies must pray, so that God will multiply the book and so, people will obtain free physical copies (both volumes) eventually around the world through prayer. This is why the six visionaries of Medjugorje all have the 10th secret in common and why the Holy Mother Mary selected six visionaries at Medjugorje, not simply one visionary to announce the secrets and their dates. For those who have closed hearts, they will simply see the Cross in the sky as a type of unusual astronomical event and nothing more. Welcome to our "Frequently Asked Questions" page. In my Easter 2017 commentary about these heavenly insights, that writing was the first time that I ever publicly asked for intercession prayer. This is your choice, of course for I never force My children, only invite them to participate in My plan for salvation. These new locutions from Jesus have asked followers to pray and work for unity in the Catholic Church, especially, under Pope Francis. You love Me well and are learning to love and trust Me more and more. The other major factor is that in advance of the Warning, Papa God wanted Limbo to be emptied. But, Papa God is the only Person of the Most Holy Trinity who fully knows the future and all the important dates and future events of salvation history. The reason that I am sharing the excerpt is because I believe it is authentic and it mentions the chastisement announced at La Salette. She still has daily apparitions.Our Lady entrusted nine secrets to her. You will never rise up against the Word of God, without Divine Intervention brought down upon you. I am blessed by you all. There will be time for study, play, prayer, work, and unity in families and communities. Your allegiance to the evil one will end in disaster for you and everyone you manage to deceive. FAIR USE NOTICE: I am not associated in any way with Holy Love Ministry, Locutions To The World, Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy), Prophet John Leary, Our Lady of Emmitsburg, or any of the other chosen messengers or website links that I provide on this blog. Not only did Our Holy Mother cooperate in the Divine Plan at the Annunciation, She cooperated every moment of Her earthly life in fulfilling the Divine Will, as She continues to do so as Our Queen of Heaven and earth. Over 40 years later, these daily apparitions of Our Lady of Medjugorje continue to this day. Recall, the power of Her prayers and intentions are worth in merit more than all the angels and mankind combined. I truly believe that no human person could think at this level of sophistication about the Divine Plan. Truly, Heaven and hell were engaged in a full spiritual battle to impart each of these insights to me over the course of several nights. I understood that the Great Chastisement is the Three Days of Darkness when the gates of hell are fully open on earth. Firstly, I want everyone to know that everyone who desires a hard copy of the book (2 volumes) titled, The Miracle and Sign of Garabandal, will get a free copy. (2/9/17) Blessed Virgin Mary If your nation (USA) listens to Gods Call to become a sanctuary for Christian belief, she will return to prosperity and worldwide leadership So, potentially, that results in a huge majority of people dying by nuclear weapons ending up as lost souls in hell. So, under direction of her Bishop, Melanie wrote a brief summary of the Secret of La Salette, which was sent to the Pope. KING OF MERCY, As earlier heavenly messages have suggested, about 85-90% of the world population (roughly more than 6 billion people of about 8 billion people living on earth) is in mortal sin. It is the ultimate spiritual roadmap to the greatest and highest treasure of eternal life, Unitive Love in Union with the Paternal Heart of Papa God. As usual, I do not claim perfect discernment, but I offer these reflections for readers fruitful consideration. Let us pray, let us pray; let us never cease praying and doing penance. People can choose to believe my words or not, but much that has been controlling the date for the Warning, has been the special project that Jesus and His Blessed Mother commissioned me to begin in March 2018 and which I only recently finished this November 2020. The Illumination of Conscience will bring with it a great outpouring of love from those whose names are contained in the Book of Life. Now, the reason I bring these facts up, is because during the six and a half week period after The Warning, both Conchita of Garabandal and all six visionaries of Medjugorje will be testifying about the prophesied Great Chastisement / 10th Secret of Medjugorje / 3 Days of Darkness. Finally, I want to ask that people enter into prayer both before and while reading and discerning this commentary, which may require several re-readings to fully grasp. Currently serving cardinals and some Jesuits are preparing to elevate a spiritually dark cardinal to the Chair of Peter. July 2021 Unique Prophecies Only Given To A Soul On This Blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, About The Warning (Illumination of Conscience), Miracle and Sign of Garabandal, and Refuges I am your shepherd and I carry My lamb on My shoulders. And to guarantee that the Woman would freely say, Yes, God created the Woman to be absolutely Perfect in all manners and ways. So, there are billions of people who will be experiencing the worse manifestation of Gods Holy Wrath because nothing is worse than experiencing the state of hell. I truly believe that no human person could think at this level of sophistication about the Divine Plan. And so, because Fall 2015 was such a busy time for me with the blog, as Locutions To The World had ended abruptly (due to the worldwide economic collapse being averted by much prayer) and I was so busy manually placing all the Locutions on this blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove, I did not have time to do much discernment for any additional bodies of heavenly messages. [This is the first public message from Our Lady through Chris Courtis since 2013], Message from Our LadyTo the WorldThrough Chris Courtis (at Home), (Source: From the Book of Truth That is why the enemy of your salvation causes so much disturbances before, during and after these events. They need to embrace The Warning, for this is the last time they will be offered the chance of redemption. Today we talk about the last secret, the tenth The 10th can not be reduced under any circumstances., Putin: Russians will go to heaven in event of nuclear war, Medjugorje: The Power of Number 7 and Freeing Souls from Purgatory Particularly Those Who Have Been in Purgatory a Long Time, New message given last night, January 21, 2021, by the Queen of Peace to the visionary Ivan Dragicevic. I wrote a summary of facts about the antichrist in this lengthy commentary: Exposing Satans Evil Agenda Part One The Antichrist But, as I looked for answers, I kept coming across phrases and messages that did not make immediate sense. For Love of Your Family and Friends, Please Consider Reading This Book The Hell Conspiracy By Laurie Ditto Their prayers rise as sweet incense and the heavenly Fathers justice is blinded to the sins of men. So, please kindly pray for me and I will do the same for all of you! Thank you for your sincere prayers for me and the success of this blog. At Garabandal and later at Medjugorje, the Virgin Mary appeared to a group of children and gave them secrets about the future. This message is to be put out so My faithful are not deceived., Tuesday, September 12, 2017 My dearly beloved daughter, when the Warning takes place this will be the first stage of the preparation for My Second Coming. Hence, most of the prophesies found in the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy), the prophesies of Garabandal and Medjugorje, etc., are not mentioned in the Holy Bible. This is important because purgatory will be definitively closed (once in for all) at the First Resurrection / Second Coming of Jesus. So, that is a good thing. One nation affects another. NOTE (By a soul): It seems that Heaven indicated to release this information on August 6, 2020, Feast of the Transfiguration (almost 29 years later after the Secret was given to the chosen messenger, Valentina). Again, I do not know the sequence of the Apocalypse found in Sacred Scriptures. Lambs trust in their shepherds. I pray to Our Lady as Mary Refuge of Holy Love that the Truth and Light of Heaven be bestowed upon everyone who visits this website. I base this belief on heavenly messages that I have read given to Prophet John Leary ( and Father Michel Rodrigue (PART 13: Fr. All the barriers to unity, put up over the many centuries, will be swept away in one breath of the Spirit. God the Father: The antichrist is now ready to reveal himself When some children lead others astray, can the Father do nothing? Time is very short, so spend as much time praying hard to save souls. They took place during short wakeful periods at night, because, during the rest of the time, I was working full-time during the day and when I had to sleep I was battling satan in demonic nightmares. visionary, Conchita, of Garabandal, would experience the Tenth Secret of Medjugorje (Great Chastisement of Garabandal) in their spiritual bodies. You are to name this site Children of the Renewal for that is what My faithful remnant who live during the time of great trials are. Otherwise, people will be befuddled and uncertain about what is truly happening in this End Times. She asked me as part of a few questions that she had about the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy) as she was trying to discern some videos she came across. But there is nothing to fear, for I love you all. 1982, according to Mirjana, the Madonna confided to her the tenth and last secret, and revealed to her, the dates in which the different secrets will be realized. When injustices take place, they are permitted for different reasons, but the main one stems from the need for purification. However, a major variable that is controlling the timing of the Warning is the likelihood of the mark of the beast being implemented through the mandatory vaccinations. The Warning will happen most unexpectedly and when man is caught unawares. In behalf of my Superior and myself, I have often asked myself where we could go for refuge, had we the means for the journey and for our subsistence, on condition that no person were to know it? The Blessed Mother desires me to place every donors name in the final pages of the third book as Her Special Blessings (Benefactors) for making publication of the third book possible. This is known as the Eternal Now. But sinners will not avail themselves of these opportunities; He will, in consequence, send more severe castigations, anxious to move sinners to repentance, but all in vain. They, My children, must accept this last chance of salvation, or accept that a terrible chastisement will fall upon the world. However, since satan launched his attack early, and based on the fact that the mark of the beast would be coming sooner, Papa God set the new date for the Warning for (today) Tuesday, December 8, 2020, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. YOUR LOVING SAVIOUR Your lips are sealed because these forces are beyond anyone or any nation. However, what satan has been trying to do, is attempt to control the narrative about what the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal are all about. During these events, his grip on the heart of the world is loosened.. Now, at the time that I discovered the Holy Family Refuge messages, I was also made aware of the messages for the Children of the Renewal, which are also featured on the same prophecy website. My holy Catholic Church will be the one faith and all living in the Renewal will believe. I could see clues and inconsistencies in the heavenly messages that I do believe inprimarily, Locutions To The World and the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy), but I needed more Light, because I was spiritual blind to something that I just could not put my finger on. So, I want people to know when I use the words, Second Coming of Jesus, I am referring to the same event that others say is an intermediate or hidden coming of Jesus. She had daily apparitions until May 7th, 1985. . If God had permitted the Warning to have taken place today, it would have overly influenced the free-will of the American people who have the freedom of self-determination for their country. However, the creation of Babylon only becomes possible after the Great Warning, because the antichrist does not reveal himself until after the Warning takes place. I came to Medjugorje, and I have given my message to a failing world, but despite my love and my messages to humanity, no one is paying any attention to it. I will renew the face of the earth in its entirety reversing all damage done by mankind to My Fathers beautiful creation. For example, Vicka has said these words: Ill just say this: whoever does not believe without a sign will not believe with a sign. I, in my turn, shall ask, What is the country that observes the commandments of God? As I have shared in prior writings, in January 2017, amidst much spiritual warfare, St. Gabriel the Archangel revealed to me several related insights into the Secrets of Our Lady of Medjugorje and Our Lady of Garabandal. Mankind, when having been woken up to the Truth of the Existence of God, will then, through his own free will, chose one of two paths, the path of salvation, or the path of damnation. Many good things will evolve as a result of The Warning. It was from this pilgrimage that indeed St Joachim and St Anne became blessed to conceive the Blessed Virgin Mary, just as the angel of God had revealed would happen to St Joachim in the Jewish Temple. Do not allow confusion to settle into your trusting little heart. Why wont you emphasize this to your flock? Open their hearts to accept salvation and to receive an abundance of graces. Until then, continue in this work of saving souls. When My enemies attack My Mystical Body, they will cause much damage, much confusion and lead many away from the Truth. It means a lot to me. This is because there are other chosen messengers who have been told that The Warning will take place in the month of February of an unknown year: See: The Season in Which the Warning Will Happen It is disheartening, because knowing so much of Our Ladys efforts, due to the free will choices of so many people under the influence of satan over so many years, some events about the future are inevitable. The third important aspect that I admit very frankly is that I do not consider myself to be a very smart person. This is because the Holy Spirit has been leading me into intense study and discernment about both Secrets and their relationship with one another. Medjugorje (Serbo-Croatian: Meugorje / , pronounced [mduorje]) is a town located in southwestern Bosnia and Herzegovina, about 25 km (16 mi) southwest of Mostar and 20 km (12 mi) east of the border with Croatia.The town is part of the itluk municipality and geographically part of Herzegovina.Since 1981, it has become a popular site of Catholic pilgrimage due to . UPDATE (4/22/20): Peace will then spread from Jerusalem (known as the City of Peace) outward to the rest of the nations, as Jerusalem will become reestablished as the Eternal Seat of Gods Kingdom on earth (it will no longer be Rome, the Vatican). Then, I woke up in the wee hours of the morning of December 2nd, with the voice of the Blessed Mother telling me that I needed to speak to Her Son. As I have written in prior commentaries, supported by different heavenly messages, mankind will only be given a limited time to repent after the Warning and Miracle of Garabandal takes place, and, collectively, return to God and living fully according to His Ten Commandments. First, I want to share an excerpt from the hidden Third Secret of Fatima, which I wrote extensively about in a commentary in 2015 (See The True Third Secret Of Fatima, The Prophecies Of Garabandal And The End Times By a soul, Many more will peel back their layers of power and share with their brothers and sisters the bread that comes from God the Father. Once The Warning has happened, there will be a brief span of time (six and a half weeks) of peace on earth. Also, one of the chosen messengers was able to see in a vision, the Gates of Heaven open up as all of these unborn children entered Heaven and all the saints in Heaven who welcomed them were all carrying TRUMP signs as a message to all of us here on earth. Mainly by preparing hearts in preparation for the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience), which will be the beginning of so many events of the End Times. I believe that the visions are trustworthy and I am including a part of the visions below while I encourage blog followers to visit the After the Warning website to read the complete series of visions. But I will gather the nations and there will be a new breath in the air, a new opportunity, when all the nations will be united into the light. This book proposes that the dates and events of these 13 secrets can be known from a . And, thirdly, all of mankind will be engaged in last touches of spiritually preparing for the First Resurrection. There will be someone again on the scene who will say, Let us march and the people will know that this is the voice of a true shepherd. Should these perpetrators, who will defy My Father, continue to terrorize innocent people through the new controls they will unleash on the world, they will be punished. Will they lead the world to peace? Although I love the Blessed Mother very much, I still have a hard time praying Her Most Holy Rosary, as I usually spend my prayer-time singing songs off-key to God. This is because The Warning would be the mechanism that God would use to warn all of mankind not to take the mark of the beast and other End Times events. When you see heresies about hell is not eternal, or when the priests say you can receive Holy Communion without Confession of sexual sins, then you need to leave that church. When people started praying for me, I witnessed immediately the effects in my life, and truly, I have been so grateful and thankful to everyone ever since. Had they done so, the history of the past bloody century of war, violence and grave misjudgments in sin would have been far different, for the better, and mankind would have already entered into the great Era of Peace. That is why I wrote my special commentary along with the message that Jesus gave at Direction For Our Times, because I know that many of you follow the. The Firstfruits will have prepared the way for the masses of people, by lighting the way, as they will already be spiritually in the Sixth Chamber. Please, children, allow The Warning to save you all. So, no evil people or people with bad intentions will be at the refuges. By turning to Me during this 15 minutes of compete solitude, and asking Me to pardon you, you will be filled with the Gift of the Holy Spirit. know, I have been writing a lot lately about the Secret of La Salette and the Secrets of Fatima. Next question, what is the significance of the Immaculate Conception? Atheists and scientists will say that The Warning was an illusion Because the more one knows about Gods Plans and future events, the less fearful the future will seem and the more prepared and trusting of God, people can be. Truly, every kindness extended by blog readers is so appreciated by me. Centuries ago, there was a Christian West that allowed the popes voice to be heard. And while the end of the old earth, soiled with the stain of sin, will have come to an end the New Era is only beginning. In the Book of Truth, Heaven prophesies the coming of the false prophet and antichrist of the Book of Revelation, along with other End Times prophecies, culminating in the Return of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in the Second Coming an ever-Glorious Event that will happen in the lives of many people in this current generation. You must not keep trying to establish the date for The Warning. Now, let me finally address the question of a fellow blog follower. So, it is very easy to conclude that after the Great Warning, that the antichrist, and other minions of satan, such as the elite globalists/masonic forces, and Islamic terrorists, will be seeking the ultimate demise of the site of Medjugorje, because of what Medjugorje will come to represent to the worldthe source of reconciliation between mankind and Godafter the Warning happens. Those poor souls, who will remain in My Church when it has been seized by the new doctrine, will not know where to turn. I will renew the face of the earth and you are Children of the Renewal. Never!, Yes, and it will be. The gates of hell will be fully open on earth so the devils can collect all the evil people of the Great Tribulation to finally drag them into hell. Especially, in this century of time given over to satan and his greatest temptations of evil as mankind teeters on the cusp of the Apocalypse its Great Tribulation and the unveiling of the antichrist, the son of satan, in all his diabolical terror and horrors. So, at the very last moment, the Blessed Mother and all the unborn children, using my prayer on earth, were all able to intercede before God by praying to stop The Warning from happening on the 8th so many of their parents would not witness or go to hell, and more time could take place for the final outcome of the U.S. election to be settled as having Donald Trump recognized as the legitimate president would truly change world affairs in a mighty way. They will experience the completeness of Unitive Love in God, similar to Adam and Eve BEFORE their unfortunate Fall into Original Sin in the Garden of Eden. So, in my heart, I asked Jesus, whats up? See: God the Father Mr. Pray, pray, pray that the world will not reject the preparation, which is needed before humanity can see the Light of my Sons Face. How entangled are the affairs of the world. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. However, I do know from a recent message given at Holy Family Refuge (, that Our Lord, Jesus Christ, said that 10% of people currently living are the worse evil people on earth and are totally possessed by satan. All the churches see the uniqueness of Jerusalem. I then asked Ivanka if Our Lady let her glimpse something of the secret. Tuesday, March 11th, 2014 @ 20:39. The Preceding Signs To The Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) 7 Days and 7 Nights The Cross of Our Savior Will Be Seen in the Sky MaryRefugeOfSouls Your LOVING SAVIOUR your lips are sealed because these forces are beyond anyone or nation. 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