By 2400, these ships were severely outclassed and outpaced. They were first introduced in 2368. While the USS Danube starts warp test flight in the solar system, the first production line of runabouts is already in the completion phase. The original Type-10 runabouts were created, but soon we found to be limited in their size. The Danube-Class runabouts feature front cabin seating for four: the pilot, co-pilot/operations, and two mission specialists.
Star Trek Runabout Ship Designs. The Danube-Class computer core, which measures 2.3 x 2.1 x 1.3 meters, is located under the cockpit.
Transport of: personnel, intact experiment and/or cargo modules. Act as a Base of Operations (orbital or landed) for Scientific Expeditions or Medical Response. Subsequently, development of the Danube-Class runabout began in 2363 and were first introduced in 2368. 2369: The first 5 Danube class ships are comissioned: the USS Rio Grande, the USS Mekong, the USS Orinoco, the USS Yangtzee Kiang and the USS Rubicon. The Danube-class Runabout is a Tier 1 (Level 1) Small Craft which may be flown by Starfleet characters, including Federation-aligned Romulan Republic and Dominion characters. Danube-class Danube-class Affiliation United Federation of PlanetsStarfleet Type Runabout Yard Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards (development) Service Period 24th and 25th centuries Dimensions Length 23.1 meters Beam 13.7 meters Draft 5.4 meters Mass 158.7 meters Specifications Decks 1 Crew Complement 2-4 Speed Warp 4 (cruising) Warp 5 (maximum) Armaments Type IX phaser arrays; 2 …
Originally Type-10 runabouts were created, but were soon found to be limited in their size. Scott sends down specs for a new Marine Runabout. Players can obtain this starship from any Ship and Shuttle Requisitions officer for 34,250 . The pilot, co … Sub nodes are installed throughout the runabout and are connected to the … The Yellowstone-class was envisioned as a successor to the venerable Danube-class of the 2360s and shared many of its predecessor's systems. The Arrow Class Runabout was designed to complete four general mission types. History. The core is a standard isolinear unit with 186 isolinear banks and 53 command pre-processors. The intent is for a small craft capable of carrying at least fifteen Marines into hazardous areas, protect them, and get them to safety. DANUBE-CLASS Runabout Technical Specifications, Revision 01 Starfleet Engineering, Utopia Planitia Archives Danube Class Runabouts were the mainstay of the fleet during the mid to late 24th century. The Type 10 Runabout proved reasonably successful in service, though the small cabin size limited its operations somewhat. Engineers at Avalon Shipyards decide to improve the existing Danube Class Runabout.
Starfleet has gradually enlarged and improved the Runabout concept over the next twenty years or so, culminating in the Danube class Runabout …